Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 23:33:50 EDT 2001 | zam_bri
Hi.. What is the typical shelf life for chips capacitor 0603/0402 and what is the consequences of using the capacitor which more than 1 year old esplly on double reflow process. Pls help and thank you in advance. cheers
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 10:28:02 EDT 2001 | davef
What's the issue? Solderability or performance of the component
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:27:10 EDT 2001 | davef
Tantalum caps degrade over time. You should not be seeing "chipped-off & cracks" regardless of the age. This should not be a shelf-life issue, unless you are storing them in an aquarium. Tell us the story. Solderability is a shelf-life issue and
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 17:08:57 EDT 2001 | davef
root around the following site http://www.faradnet.com/ ... you should find some good stuff on capacitors
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 23:47:14 EDT 2001 | zam_bri
Thank you for the feedback guys. The concerns I have is related to components' performance as well as chipped-off & cracks. Does the performance also degrading over the time? thx
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 10:47:28 EDT 2001 | davef
I'll respond directly to your question about capacitor fabrication in a later posting, but more importantly and possibly more directly in response to the situation many hands touch your capacitors before you do. Each of these stockroom personnel, UP
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 05:07:57 EDT 2001 | zam_bri
Hi Dave, Thanx for your reply. What is it in the process of manufacturing the capacitor that can go wrong until it can caused the chips to be chipped-off or cracks. I've encountered alot of this problem lately. First I thought it was our process t
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 06:56:20 EDT 2001 | brownsj
Most of the component vendors I've dealt with will guarantee the solderability of the terminations for three years if the components are still packaged in a full reel. If the reel is part used we've kept them for 1 year and then used a wetting balanc
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 06:56:46 EDT 2001 | brownsj
Most of the component vendors I've dealt with will guarantee the solderability of the terminations for three years if the components are still packaged in a full reel. If the reel is part used we've kept them for 1 year and then used a wetting balanc