Electronics Forum: shine of solder joint (Page 1 of 17)

Reliability of solder joint

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 21:09:01 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

The reliability of a Gullwing component solder joint is in question when insufficient solder is evident: *at the heel of the lead *at the toe of the lead *none of the above

Cost of solder joint rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 21:59:10 EDT 2000 | Ray Chartrand

Does anyone know the current cost to repair a defective solder joint? I seem to recall a number quoted a few years ago of $1.03 per joint with burden of overhead. I've also seen numbers from 50 cents to 50 dollars per joint.

Matted surface of solder joint

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 07:24:13 EDT 2002 | John

I need teoretical info for theme "Matted surface vs solder ball". Is it right that some solder pastes decrease solder balling but give matted surface after reflow? That diference between these pastes and others? Are the matted surface worse solder b

Resistance value level of lead-free solder joint

Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 23:20:55 EDT 2003 | jedduan

What's the resistance value level of lead-free joint?Could anyone share me with the information? Thanks in advance Jed

Resistance value level of lead-free solder joint

Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 21:07:41 EDT 2003 | jedduan

Thanks Dave. It's very nice of you. Jed

Resistance value level of lead-free solder joint

Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 09:10:10 EDT 2003 | caldon

Dave- Thanks for the NIST Site.....Again, another useful nugget!!! Cal

Dye Penetrant Inspection of solder joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 22:33:16 EDT 2003 | Ben

HI, I'm doing a dye penetrant and peel test of non-function BGA solder joints to locate the fracture surface. After applying dye, I found the dye ink just accumulate at the solder mask edge and spread everywhere after I peeled off the package. THis i

voids at solder joint of chips

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 04:19:05 EDT 2001 | wister

There are lots of voids at solder joint of chips,the thickness of multilayer pcb is 3.2mm,top side have lots of chip component and bottom side has several BGA and QFPs.For top side profile,the preheat time is about 100s,soak time is about 75s,time ov

voids at solder joint of chips

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 14 17:55:01 EDT 2001 | Boysen

Are you using a water soluble paste? Older generations of water soluble paste are notorious for voiding. Some of the new generation water soluble fluxes allow a much wider process window.

voids at solder joint of chips

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 15:30:38 EDT 2001 | davef

More and more pople are seeing voids in solder connections other than BGA balls than ever before. Thats because they never looked [never had the means to look] before. Now, they can't stand it and, like that zit that their mother told them not to m

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