Electronics Forum: shinkawa must

Mirae Mx series, parameters to accelerate the heads in Z.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 09:07:48 EDT 2018 | gfe

I work with lines MX200l and MX 200LP, one of them is with camera analogue the others with digital cameras, the oldest one (analogue camera) is faster than the others, but there is a line that must have a delay in the pick and place, someone knows wh

Re: Masking Gold Finger

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 16:15:05 EST 2000 | Chris McDonald

You can get a better Kapton tape (you must be using the cheap stuff) that leaves no residue. If that fails then you can get edge maskers that slide overtop of the finger and they are reusable. Or you could get a solder pallet made for the assemblies

Re: looking for cheap and useful solvent for ultrasonic stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 06 13:11:22 EDT 1999 | Mike Konrad

I would recommend the following chemistries: Zestron Vigon SC200... Good but very $$$$ (703) 589-1198 Vertex (sold by Petrofirm and Alpha Metals)... Won't last as long as Zestron but must less $$$ (904) 261-8286 Kyzen... Also very good (800) 84

Lead-free profile for big electrolytic cap

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 19 15:52:16 EDT 2008 | guqing

So correct me if I'm wrong: you are using a conventional oven (not VP, otherwise you must have mentioned), your big electrolytic caps go through a lead-free profile, which requires 30sec minimum at 230, but your time above 200C on the caps is less th


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 20:16:11 EST 2009 | davef

We're not familiar with Loctite 3606. Adhesive bond strength must be adequate to survive handling forces between the adhesive cure station and the soldering station. At the soldering station, the adhesive will soften during the preheat stage and in

PCB label printing

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 05 13:30:01 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

We are required by most of our customers to apply a serial # to the boards that we build. As the PC boards have been getting smaller and open areas on the board are getting scarce we have been forced into using smaller and smaller labels. I am lookin

Best Jet Printer? MY600?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 13:15:41 EST 2016 | cyber_wolf

You can buy an awful lot of stencils for 200K. Unless you are running "special case" products I'm not sure how the cost can be justified. We get our stencils next day with no added charge. The MY600 must use specified paste chemistries that are no

QFP Removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 15:47:54 EST 2004 | Jim

I have about 200 PCB's from which a 20mil pitch QFP must be removed, cleaned and re-used (will place them back in trays for the P&P machine to place the parts on new boards). My intitial concern is: how can we remove the parts in an efficient manner?

Should I manufacture my own boards or outsource them?

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 05 14:45:23 EST 2003 | Brian

I don't think it is a good idea to run your own board in house. The cost will be higher than let the contract out company do it for you. If you are looking for a Smt line.. You must spend atleast $400.000 for an use equipment. Printer= $100.000 Pick

Re: BGA Warp

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 04:30:27 EDT 1999 | ROBERT

| | Hi All, | | Any one experince BGA-chipset warp about 10-15mil after removing | | from PCB? | | FYI, the rework temperature for preheat was 170C from room | | temperature about 30 seconds, & BGA was removed at temperature | | between 190-200C.

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