Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 15:32:20 EDT 2008 | davef
We see this fairly often. It doesn't affect solderability. Our analysis makes us think this coloration is copper. The reason copper appears on the surface may be that heat cycles increase the thinness and porosity of the immersion silver [IAg] coatin
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 31 10:03:25 EST 2002 | Bob
Cheers Dave, to answer some of your questions. � The component lead is copper with a tin / lead coating. The pads are standard Copper / Nickel / Gold. � The solder is standard Tin / Lead / Silver (2%) We have a lab that can determine the composition
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 07:41:40 EST 2002 | davef
Hey Bob, Boy, you are lucky to have a laboratory, and now colorful pix!!! The only silver IMC that you will see are: * Ag6Sn, much less likely at 'normal' soldering temperatures * Ag3Sn, much more likely Allowable silver concentration: * Below 2%
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 12:12:57 EDT 2005 | davef
Why are you placing Kapton dots on your board prior to wave soldering? * Prevent solder from touching the hole and the area around it. [If so, why do you need to do this?] * Prevent solder from flowing up through the hole and coating portions of the
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 16:56:13 EDT 2008 | ppcbs
We have a double sided board with Immersion Silver Plating. After reflow the Silver turns a yellowish color. It still wets good, and the yellow color will polish off with a pencil eraser. Has anyone seen this, or know the cause?
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 13:55:10 EST 2019 | jimpat
Out of curiosity is it actual silver or silver colored - ie. Nickel? Are you out of NJ by any chance?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 11:32:19 EDT 2006 | darburch
Solder joint too shiny, clock wrong color, she's got my chair, radio too loud, can't hear the radio, I'm too hot she's too cold change the A/C.Kindergarten wasn't this petty.OH, wait this is a heath and safety issue, I need the day off with pay. Why
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 02 14:59:42 EDT 2023 | joeljacobo
Thank you!
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 02 15:01:14 EDT 2023 | joeljacobo
Thank you Dave, I will check it out
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 02 14:46:06 EDT 2023 | davef
Lab tests can confirm the composition of your material. I'm going with tin oxide. Tin oxide changes color depending on the thickness of the deposit. Your deposit is fairly thin. It will change to a brown color as the thickness increases. Your EDX