Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 23 03:32:12 EDT 2013 | pradeep_selec
Can anybody help & confirm the Humidity & Temperature Range to be maintained on SMT SHopfloor according to the IPC standard & its IPC standard number. Also the ways to compensate the humidity if its out of range; low cost / natural method.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 00:08:34 EDT 2013 | pradeep_selec
Thanks to all, Is there a natural way to compensate humidity.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 03 04:19:51 EDT 2013 | pradeep_selec
Can anybody suggest the way to compensate humidity if its out of range
Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 21:45:31 EDT 2002 | ianchan
Hi mates, any production floor controls that are efficient and effective? to control MSD. am talking about practical shopfloor "good mfg practices".
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 23 08:41:37 EDT 2013 | emeto
This is very interesting question. I would think that the temp range will be defined by your machine manufacturers, not by IPC. PCB and electronic parts can handle broad temperature range. Most machines guarantee accuracy in the range (10-30)Degrees
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 23 14:15:02 EDT 2013 | charliedci
I would think the two main issues would be: 1)humidity too low affecting static control issues. 2)humidity too high affecting moisture sensitive components. Otherwise I agree with Evtimov, whatever equipment/personnel can handle.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 26 03:47:08 EDT 2013 | pradeep_selec
For Machine's we can go with the Machine spec, but what about the SMT assembly process. There would be a defined / suggested Temp & Humidity range to get best O/P.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 23 11:12:08 EDT 2002 | yngwie
Hi Experts, Anybody know whatis the alternative to the PCBA's barcode, should you don't have a space on your highly populated PCBA ? This refer to the boards' serial number, be it for tracebility purposes or shopfloor data collection purposes. I hav
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 07 15:41:34 EST 2005 | etienne
I our shopfloor, we are allowed to drink water. I think that if it is prohibited to drink water in Production, then there must be like short breaks so that one can go and drink water from the canteen. It is always a headache when it comes to decide s
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 26 12:37:58 EDT 2013 | deanm
Your stencil printing process is probably the most critical process in SMT. The paste I'm using states the best environment is with a temperature of 20-25C and humidity of 35-60% RH. Your paste may vary. We've run down to 10-15% RH with no measurable