Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 16:10:03 EST 2008 | jlawson
Do you have your own data caputure software ? Check out VManage from Valor if you do not. They have machine monitoring solutions for most FUJI equipment QP351 I would say would be covered. Even the latesr machines are coverd from Fuji...
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 12:42:15 EST 2008 | rschnic
We have a Fuji QP341 machine and would like to connect to the GEM port and collect production data. We are unable to connect to the standard port 5000. I assume this is because the controller is connected to it. Does anyone have any experience with
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 16:26:57 EST 2008 | rschnic
Thanks for the reply. We have software. It just won't connect when the Fuji controller (Flexa) is powered on. It appears that the controller ties up the GEM port. We were wondering if there is something that needs to be reconfigured or shutdown o
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 10:58:12 EDT 2004 | heatherc
Aegis software offers an MES system that offers both automated and manual data collection points. All of the data collected is automatically deposited in one central database. This database is then used for generating all of the SPC reports for ana
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 10:31:43 EST 2004 | Glen Roberts
I have been actioned with introducing a new fault data collection system within our Business. We are a high mix, low volume, pca contract electronic manufacturer. Currently our manual inspection stations fill out hard copies of QUAD sheets listing a
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 21 21:25:59 EST 2004 | Ken
Check out Technomatix Unicam quality system. Uses bar code and computer terminal.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 21:26:38 EST 2004 | davef
Start here: http://www.qualitydigest.com/pdfs/0104QD-SPC.pdf
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 22 15:53:13 EST 2004 | Dreamsniper
Hi, Try using or creating a simple data collection system using MS Access...Try this idea: operator inspects the board, then scans the PCB barcode. Then enters the fault found using the codes you are using in your sheet. It's a bit laborious but it
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 21 14:50:43 EST 2004 | adlsmt
Its a shame no one has input on this. We are in the same spot as you. We have been looking at Filemaker to create our own system.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 08 17:57:31 EDT 2004 | codestar
We are looking to automate the pick and place process when it comes to the barcode labels or license plates located on the component reels. Now, prior to pick and placement starting, the reel labels have to be scanned. I have been advised a Fuji CP