Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 15:16:16 EDT 2014 | yuran111
machine controller BIOS loads only cyclically until pressed reset button on it - now checks the configuration and loading tasks load. hard drive I can take from the controller Siemens s27 example? motherboard came from s27 machine, and the same softw
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:28:27 EDT 2014 | yuran111
don`t have. give me please it. simens f5 with 6 segment head and IC-head. two conveyor. and if you can lower the entire inner hard drive, and then erased accidentally and slipped from siemens s27. thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 17:54:41 EDT 2004 | Jeff
Sounds to me like a nozzle changer issue; broken garages or needs to be calibrated?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 05:43:56 EDT 2004 | jbtech
Can some one explain to me why the ceramic nozzles are cracking not on the tip but on the base??? also how long do the sleeves last, no informaton from siemens they just came in and changed from 'o'ring to bearing type?? Thanks Julie
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 06:08:18 EDT 2004 | hitechsc
Hi julie I found that it was the sleeve on the ball bearing that was the fault we went back to the oring type problem gone.
Electronics Forum | Sun May 23 01:19:18 EDT 2004 | brob73
I currently run a double sided SMT line set up as: Siemens auto-load bd. destacker MPM 3000 Camalot gemini dispensor in-line Cyberoptics post print inspection Siemens S25 Siemens S25 Siemens HF1 Electrovert omniflow oven Simplimatic bd stacker inl
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 11:03:02 EDT 2004 | dj_jago
Peter, The Siemens placement equipment has a simple coding structure: HS50 - 50,000 CPH S20 - 20,000 CPH S23 - 23,000 CPH S27 - 27,000 CPH Well... you get the idea. I have no idea about the speed of the 'F' machines. We get around 70-80% of this
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 03:34:24 EST 2021 | ravikumargv
Attached Image FYR....
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 09 16:10:15 EDT 2008 | davef
We don't know a Siemens S-27 Error Code from a shoe box, but our old friend Stefan Witte is wizard on Siemens machines. He has posted some troubleshooting guidance on his site. If that doesn't help; contact him, plead for mercy, and he probably will
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 08 12:06:13 EDT 2004 | modwyer
Thanks for clarifying. I was told they were Siemens.