Electronics Forum: siemens siplace error codes (Page 1 of 3)

Re: Siemens siplace for high mix/medium to low volume

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 09:36:46 EDT 1998 | RNLM

| Is cost an issue? I evaluated Siemens Siplace about a year ago and the price per placement was twice what Phillips Machinery has to offer. We too are a high mix/low PCb count shop. Also, Siemens has many hidden costs and the references I talked

S27 Y-axis error

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 03:58:52 EDT 2022 | erici

We are having problems with our Siemens Siplace S27 machine. The machine is giving the error - Y-axis Faulty initialization of Motor. We replaced the Y motor card and swapped also the servo control cards on the two gantries. Still will not initiali

Siemens SIPLACE HS-60 Errors

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 00:36:28 EDT 2020 | victorzubashev

Hello Lazlo, do you still have a problem with the machine? Victor

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 07:42:52 EDT 2008 | lloyd

Can you provide a bit more info on your machine setup. I not full fimilar with the S-27 so a few points may not be relevant to your machine. Are you using Siplace Pro. Are you using the standard GF for the 0201 component. Do you have the component

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 09 16:10:15 EDT 2008 | davef

We don't know a Siemens S-27 Error Code from a shoe box, but our old friend Stefan Witte is wizard on Siemens machines. He has posted some troubleshooting guidance on his site. If that doesn't help; contact him, plead for mercy, and he probably will

Siemens Siplace S15 Operating

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 13:00:37 EST 2006 | global

We have a Siplace S15 and I would like to know if it is possible to make it skip a part during the placement operation with out aborting the job? In section of the user's manual it describes how to set a track to empty and proceed on with the


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 20 08:58:27 EDT 2009 | soudomphong

m/c error 3564 raceway monitoring triggered-gantry 3. In the help menu it says topic does not existed. Anybody has any idea what this error code mean? This is siemens hs60.

Siemens SIPLACE HS-60 Errors

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 19:57:54 EST 2021 | erici

May i know how you did the MC-distribution to the MC. I am having same problems with our machine now. Thanks

Siemens SIPLACE HS-60 Errors

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 05 17:13:32 EST 2021 | oxygensmd

There is a small round (endless) spring inside segment. I think it felt off or damaged. Replace it.

Siemens SIPLACE HS-60 Errors

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 13:50:05 EDT 2020 | dltechltd

505.05 SP2 Hotfix3 After this, we were able to work with the machine until 1 week and the machine broke again. A small zener diode exploded on a Servo card, and we replaced it. Next reboot, the MC system halted, because an SRBS error. We have aske

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