Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 23:02:27 EST 2001 | Cosine Theta
You can easily get 99.8% for 0603 and 99.6% for 0402 out from a Panasonic MV2F, and these machines have no adaptive pick-up. To get 99.8% from HS-50 for 0603 or 0402 should be piece of cake. Anyway, is getting 99.8% pick-up = 6 sigma process?
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 03 14:51:22 EST 2001 | stefwitt
Hi Dave, I think 6 sigma is here to stay. Unlike any other programs like ISO, six sigma goes to the people�s mind. With drastic examples like � you would not fly a plane which reaches its destination in a three sigma probability � you start to think
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 22:59:30 EST 2001 | Cosine Theta
I am surprise that you get 99.5% pick-up rate out from the HS-50, unless you are refering to 0201 chip size. I can easily get 99.8% for 0603 and 99.6% for 0402 out from a Panasonic MV2F, and these machines have no adaptive pick-up. To get 99.8% from
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 10:10:30 EST 2001 | Stefan Witte
Angela, besides the sense or non sense of six sigma and related meetings, you will have to break down the component feeding issue into several sections, which are all impacting the feeding reliability. 1. Component dimensions 2. Tape size 8, 12, 16
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 10:38:53 EDT 2005 | Stefan
500 rejected (?) per million placed components is a very good rate, considered that it would be better than 4 Sigma if you name it defects on the board. Or do I incorrectly convert ppm to dpm? * 3 Sigma 66,800 defects per one million opportuniti
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 08:08:37 EST 1998 | Vanessa Munoz
I have recently been put in charge of our SMT line. We have to developed a SPC. My questions are: q1. What are the �most� important parameters to monitoring and which of the control charts do you usually use depending of the parameter..? Our line is
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 22:43:36 EST 1999 | dean
| Does anyone know of a contract manufacturing house that can guarantee smt component placement and can verify placement of +/-.015? | | Thanks in advance | Question: mm, inches, or mils? I can do it. However, what is your reliability level? 9
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 08:24:07 EST 1998 | Allison
Good luck in your conquest. I have been struggling with the same issues for some time now. I have made the following conclusions. First, it is nearly impossible to establish parameters in SMT to perform X-Bar and R charts. Electronics is not as cl
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 13:17:27 EDT 1999 | Brian W.
| | I wonder to knock this site with this question? | | Are there some body have applied 6 SIGMA TOOL to improve | | the smt process or etc. especilly smt process is better. | | I want to hear the difficulties to apply this tool. | | and experienc
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 12:47:15 EDT 2012 | deanm
Even though I cannot answer your question about a good Six Sigma training course, our company has had training in lean which I felt was helpful. You stated that one of your goals was to reduce cost/waste. That goal seems to lend better to a lean ma