Electronics Forum: silicon on solder joints (Page 1 of 29)

Re: orange peel effect on solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 16:56:38 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

What do you mean good morning, my wine bottle is empty and I feel like sleeping. When will some one invite me back to your country to work again ? I need to do some more diving ? The most common cause is simpley the flux on the surface of the joint.

Re: Poor solder joints on QFP 100's

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 03:26:09 EST 1999 | Chris May

Steve, Two good reference books to have are 1) SMT Soldering Handbook by Rudlof Strauss (ISBN 0-7506-3589-4) 2) Soldering In Electronics by R.J. Klein Wassink( ISBN 0-901150-24-x) Regards, Chris

Blow holes on radial parts solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 12:45:45 EDT 2001 | Claude_Couture

On mixed technology PCBs, we find numerous blow holes on the solder joints of radial parts (electrolytics, LEDs, etc). The solution that works so far is to cut the leads very long in the radial inserter so that the part is kinda loose and the air in

orange peel effect on solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 16:45:54 EDT 2000 | Darby

Good morning Bob. Darby from Australia here. We sometimes see an orange peel type finish on our reflow solder joints when viewed under the microscope. Any ideas on what causes this ? Should I worry about it. I use a straight rise profile ( no "platea

Blow holes on radial parts solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 13:54:18 EDT 2001 | CAL

Do the parts sit directly on the PCB? Typical 2.0 mm Max is desired for the component to be off the PCB. Are stand-offs an option? The long lead wiggles as it passes through the wave and thus agitating the air out.Does your wave a "dancer" option?

Blow holes on radial parts solder joints

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 07:32:33 EDT 2001 | Claude_Couture

Thanks for the tips. I'll have to check with the designers if they can accomodate the height if I was to use parts with stand-off. The bigger holes was already suggested, but they don't want to change them until a new revision on the product comes o

Blow holes on radial parts solder joints

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 07:32:54 EDT 2001 | Claude_Couture

Thanks for the tips. I'll have to check with the designers if they can accomodate the height if I was to use parts with stand-off. The bigger holes was already suggested, but they don't want to change them until a new revision on the product comes o

Poor solder joints on QFP 100's

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 11 12:15:21 EST 1999 | Steve Thomas

We have a pretty challenging board (2-up panel, 15"x20", 48 20mil pitch QFP 100's and 2 25mil QFP128) that gives us LOTS of lead bridging on the 20 mil parts. There is typically very poor wetting on these parts also, and some joints just flat aren't

Blow holes on radial parts solder joints

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 11:37:19 EDT 2001 | raton

We had the same problem years ago when we started using a radial inserter. The inserter would dutyfully insert and clinch the leads. The problem in our case was the component body sealing to the fab, especially on electrolytics caps with a film jac

Re: orange peel effect on solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 17:10:11 EDT 2000 | Darby

It's six in the morning here! Give me a bell the next time you are out here and I'll take you fishing on the sensational Sydney Harbour. However I will not be getting out of the boat and "diving" - too many noahs arks. I'll leave that to the daredevi

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