Electronics Forum: simplimatic 0108010 conveyor (Page 1 of 2)

L type conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 11:32:04 EDT 2005 | davef

Conveyor equipment suppliers are: * FlexLink Systems, Inc.; 6580 Snowdrift Rd; Allentown PA 18106; 610 973-8230 F 610-973-8345 http://www.flexlink.com * JOT Automation Inc.; 1201 S. Beltline Rd.; Coppell TX 75019; 972 393-5564 Fax 972-745-9013 http:

Simplimatic Model 8040 90* turn

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 24 09:15:50 EDT 2015 | garym4569

In need of GE VersaMax PLC program for a Simplimatic model 8040 90* turn conveyor. Thanks

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 08:12:16 EDT 2006 | davef

Leading conveyor manufacturers are ATI, Conveyor Technology, Crown Simplimatic, Dynapace, Flextek, Fuji, Jot, Kanetic, Panasonic, and Process Control.

SMT Connecting Conveyors

Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 07:29:10 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf

I am looking at NEW connecting conveyors for our Fuji lines. So far I have looked at Simplimatic,Promation,and Jot. There seems to be a large spread in pricing. Has anyone out there purchased new conveyors lately..if so what is your take on it ? I

Re: What's Best: D Pace, Simplimatic, or Lynx?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 12:28:46 EDT 1998 | smd

Thanks for the overwhelming response on the conveyors, guys. Some extremely weird (but very good) things just happened. SMTnetting just made things easier.

Dream SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 18:10:42 EDT 2004 | 3COM Employee

Chipshooter: KME CM82CM-G Fine Pitch: KME CM92R-M Screen Printer: Anything, but DEK. Reflow Oven: Conceptronics, by far. Conveyors: Simplimatic. Router: Cencorp.

Crown Simplimatic 8130 CONVERT from End of line to front of line

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 29 20:08:17 EDT 2022 | proy

I have an 8130 Magazine loader (end of line boards into magazines) Has anyone here converted one of these to SUPPLY boards FROM the magazine to the printer/conveyor?

Re: who makes the best conveyor??

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 21:56:41 EDT 2000 | Thomas Ravener

There are many available: Simplimatic Process Control Technology (PCT) JOT PMJ Bosch Dynapace Nutek Applied Conveyor Engineering (ACE) A wholly owned division of Universal Instruments and made for UIC integration of their products. This is just but

Tracks for Automatic Assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 11:06:40 EDT 2007 | davef

Sami: Do you seek contacts for conveyor suppliers or what? Equipment Conveyor Bosch http://www.boschrexroth-us.com/country_units/america/united_states/en/index.jsp Equipment Conveyor FlexLink Systems, Inc. 6580 Snowdrift Rd Allentown PA 18106 610-

What's Best: D Pace, Simplimatic, or Lynx?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 07:18:20 EDT 1998 | smd

We're getting new SMT equipment! A flex machine and conveyors to boot. We have Simplimatic equipment now but I'm wondering about Lynx (I have the strong impression that Philips wants to deal) or this D-pace company? What's the 411 on these guys? Equ

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