Electronics Forum: siplace missing operating system mc (Page 1 of 1)

SiPlace S25 Machine Controller HDD rebuild - error Software booting

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 22:39:22 EST 2022 | cirsol

Hi, Sorry I didn't see your previous post. I do have an update but will answer your questions first. {So you only rebuilt the MC HDD and didn't rebuild the Station PC? Am I right ?} Yes that's correct, we only rebuilt the MC HDD but were not able t

SiPlace S25 Machine Controller HDD rebuild - error Software booting

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 04:11:54 EST 2021 | cirsol

Hello Forumers, I'm hoping there might be a SiPlace expert or two trawling the forum. We have an S25 machine that essentially has a failed MC harddrive and we're trying to rebuild a new one. Attached are a few images and perhaps something shown her


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