Electronics Forum: sixsigma (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 03:39:06 EDT 2003 | mantis

Hi Chris, I found this site to be very useful and explanitory while calculating the sigma level of or company. http://www.isixsigma.com/sixsigma/six_sigma.asp It has explanations on anything and everything process control related. Regards,

The truth about lead-free and environment

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 09:57:59 EST 2006 | Gilligan

Here's another article on the lead-poisioning that shows the jewelry: http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/03/23/jewelry.lead.poisoning.ap/index.html Here's an interesting article for WML: http://www.interfluxusa.com/Technical/Sixsigma.htm

How to remove Oxides from older components? Fine Pitch

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 12:48:25 EDT 2009 | mikesewell

Kester R562 is listed as an ORH0, a high activity flux, not sure switching pastes would gain much. What is the finish on the leads? How old are the parts? You could have the parts reconditioned (SixSigma, Corfin, ...others) but this can get costly

Re: World Class: Is it a philisophical question?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 19:53:30 EDT 2000 | Dave F

See this is great!!! Ask one question, get a different answer from each responder ... cool!!! My turn ... There�s an old expression � the head of a dead fish starts to stink first. What that has to do with question, I don�t know. May be you do.


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