Electronics Forum: skewed 0201 after reflow (Page 1 of 4)

Re: 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 10:25:37 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| I'm hoping to use 0201 caps and resistors in a new design but so far have only found one company who makes such small devices (Murato). | | Can anyone direct me to any other supplier? | | Are there any particular problems associated with using s

Re: 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 19:01:39 EDT 1999 | DGrenier

| | I'm hoping to use 0201 caps and resistors in a new design but so far have only found one company who makes such small devices (Murato). | | | | Can anyone direct me to any other supplier? | | | | Are there any particular problems associated wi

0201 solder beading

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 14:03:45 EDT 2001 | jschake

I have observed solder balling for all aperture sizes tested. Solder balling levels appear to be better correlated against the amount of solder paste that is underneath the 0201 component terminations after placement rather than comparing this to th

solder ball after reflow owen

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 15:37:50 EDT 2006 | Chunks

Hi Any, This is from an earlies thread "Solder Ball After Reflow Process". Date: August 16, 2006 01:52 PM Author: Russ Subject: Solder Ball After Reflow Process Oven settings are meaningless here. What does the board see? It is the paste we a

Re: vibration during solder reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 12:25:14 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process worked v

Re: vibration during solder reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 09:52:06 EDT 1999 | john thorup

| | | Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | | | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process

Re: vibration during solder reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 15:23:24 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process work

Skewed components

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 16:35:55 EDT 2001 | Steve

Most of the time, we have very few skewed parts so I feel comfortable about the processes in general. However once in a while, often enough to throw off the first pass yield, we will get a few boards with a lot of skewed parts. By skewed I mean that

How to identify any Vibration Source in Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 02:18:49 EDT 2019 | ameenullakhan

Hi Thanks All, In one of our reflow oven , component skew after reflow. So we are suspecting the vibration in the oven. But not able to get the exact source of vibration. So please help us out. Regards, Ameen

PCB defects

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 11:49:37 EST 2017 | barryg

When the board is populated on the second side, and after reflow, components are shifted, skewed with solder flowed on the leads of the components and not on the PCB land.

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