Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 26 20:33:50 EDT 2002 | davef
Not as such. Generally, people tailor their profiles to produce glam solder connections on their boards. Search the fine SMTnet Archives for discussion on the factors affecting solder reflow recipes. What is the best way to get these PCB made to s
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 12:10:14 EDT 2010 | rway
Test Jet will work for catching lifted leads, certainly. X-ray is the only thing for testing for internal solder defects such as voids and cracks. I personally do not have any experience using X-ray, so I cannot advise on its reliability. Perhaps
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 03 22:32:04 EDT 2002 | davef
Naw, alcohol and solvents won't do dip. Hold-off on: * Destructive testing. [Athough this will convince you to move on to other things.] * Rework of the solder connections. [Although this will correct the problem.] Consider investigating your aque
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 11:16:04 EST 1999 | Boca
Chris, Some ramblings- Your choice depends on factors like which defects you're looking for, bugdet, quality inspection philosophy, high or low mix environment, sample sizes or 100%, and so on. Are you going to test 100% of the product coming off t
Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 23:42:20 EDT 2020 | smiran082
Hello, I am having trouble the QSV-1 PNP machine. On boot it had trouble connecting to the RT computer as it was hung on a message saying something along the lines of, "Establishing connection to RT computer". After several restarts we still could
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 21 08:00:50 EDT 2004 | davef
First, we know of no conformal coating that will help your situation. Second, as you say, companies recognize that stress testing of shippable products is NOT good practice, because it strips life from the product. So, your product is more expensiv
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 10:03:39 EST 2016 | mjscottinnc
Through trail and error we figured that out the Ethernet connections from the MC to SC. We have gotten past the Software booting wait and are now waiting to connect to Siplace Pro. The machine came with no documentation other then what the service te
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 28 08:19:58 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| | Your question seems vague and very general. Gerber formatting is nothing more than describing points in an X-Y plane. It may be provided via CAD design capabilities or by manual means that has been digitized. Gerber data is "dumb" - meaning i
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 22:42:13 EDT 2001 | davef
I�m with Stefan � no booze, drugs, or chewing tobacco in the shop!!! [I�d like to ban facial make-up, but am still limping from the last time I tried.] Stefan, how are you going to get the P&P manufacturers to agree on a common nozzle design, when
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 14:05:29 EST 2004 | dougt
The 400E has a computer on the bottom of the cabinet with a a Serial/Keyboard Card installed in it. J1 pins 19/20 are the cutters transmit/receive lines on this card, they go through a transition brd and on to the Cutter/Processor brd on the side do