Electronics Forum: slitting (Page 1 of 2)

HSP 4791 Problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 20:24:09 EDT 2007 | marcelll

I have a problem with a 4791 ship shooter. In production, I'm getting PSH 10 alarm witch is the sensor detecting the slit on the nozzle changer motor. It's happening randomly, never with the same head. Sensor is good and I checked the alignment of

AMP Mictor

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 08:19:50 EDT 1998 | Zanolli

Is anyone familiar with assembly procedures for the AMP� straddle mount Mictor connector? If so are there any suggestions to solve difficulty in slitting through the ground pin PTH barrels� and applying paste as reccommended?

Thermal Relief

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 05:07:06 EST 2004 | Javi

Hello, I would like to design the thermal reliefs/pads of my through-hole components. I would appreciate any info, doc or link about how design them (dimensions, slit width, circular or square, etc). Thanks a lot and best regards, Javi

Fuji universal tape covers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 26 12:22:28 EDT 2006 | cyber_wolf

The new universal guide replaces .7 - 1.8 mm tape covers. Fuji no longer makes the slitted type tape covers. How can the tape guide be mis-centered ?

FUJI IP3 placing rotation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 15:32:53 EST 2024 | madisreivik

Indeed I found some vacuum problems, one replaced small hose was not fitted correctly. Lets see if that helps :) Great thanks ! Also, Travis, do you have any information how to adjust the milk-plexiglass slitted covers on line scan cameras ?

Presse for press-fit connector

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 00:52:24 EDT 2005 | adlsmt

Depending on the connector you should be able to use a standard cheap arbor press with some cheap home-made tooling. Standard arbor presses typically have a rotating disc with cut-outs, remove this and put a decent quality stainless steel block in it

Re: V-Tek Tape and Reel Machines...

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 17:44:50 EDT 1999 | Stefan Witte

| Hey Ya'll! | | Have any of you ever worked with one of V-Tek's "Economax" tape and reel machines? The biggest thing I'm curious about is the type of cover tape that these machines use. It's something they call P.S.A. (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive)c

Re: Any success using metal squeegees w/Fuji GSPII?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 14:16:06 EST 1998 | Dave McFadyen

I've been using metal blades on several brands of printers over the past few years and have to agree with comments in other replies. Contact print is a must or you will tear slits in your stencils at the ends of the blade. Center-mounted (floating) s

soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 17:16:16 EDT 2002 | davef

Russ makes a good point. While your profile probably meets your paste supplier recommendations, it may not be proper for the component. * Paste suppliers offer general recommendations for tin / lead interconnects. You need to modify that for board

AMP Mictor

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 16:41:22 EDT 2001 | davef

We do not assemble with these connectors any longer, we replaced them with a connector from somebody er other, like Teka [one of the pioneers of solder-flux bearing lead technology and a supporter to SMTnet], Samtec, Advanced Interconnections, Mill-M

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