Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 19:07:07 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| | For process management with SPC of the stencil printing process with a fully automatic stencil printer, what process outpur parameter would you recommend for SPC? | | | | It appears to me that there are two options: | | A: to have a pn chart bas
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 00:34:42 EST 2015 | comatose
There isn't going to be much worthwhile used equipment out there if you mean true jetting - it is a pretty recent process. There are lots of used stencil printers out there, so from an up-front cost perspective, stencil wins. Jetting is slow. A hig
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 30 17:24:33 EDT 2023 | cyber_wolf
"considering the jet printer to be superior in almost every way". You need to put down the bongs sir.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 10:54:07 EST 2019 | nathanmcdonough
As Josh hinted, the majority of jet valve manufacturers aren't in the business of making machines. It's usually down to other companies (such as MYCRONIC) to integrate the JET valves into usable machinery, and besides MYCRONIC I can't think of anyone
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 17:43:57 EDT 2023 | smtusa
There are alot of simple time air release dispensers from China but are pretty slow for production use. They are accurate. Mydata was making more money in jet printing so they discontinued their glue station. I think both companies are seeking a p
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 15:46:36 EDT 2020 | tamasmagyar
Hi Hearse, I currently use a MY600, with a AG Ejector which can place dots between 0.33 and 0.52 mm. The differences for a MY600 with placing small dots is down to ejector and paste. To be able to place dots as small as 0.25 mm, you would need an
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 16:41:22 EDT 2011 | jlawson
SJ Innotech from (Korea), make excellent printers, have some excellent features, other do not have, great bang for buck, well built. Have machine with FULL 3D SPI built in, first machine maker to offer this on market. Also offer long PCB models for
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 06 09:01:17 EST 2007 | Rob
Yes, looks great - had a play at one of their roadshows. Could turn into an amazing product if they can scale it down enough. However, it's slow and costs more than a large house. More than a screen printer and a huge number of stencils.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 08:36:35 EST 2022 | oclsc
Hi SMTnet. I am looking for user user manual (not operator manual) for our EBY DEK printer. Does any one know where I can download one. I want to slow down the internal conveyor speed in the printer (screener). Regards Ole C: Denmark
Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 19:00:37 EDT 2010 | emrtech
not just speed, looking to reduce down time on having to re-do boards from bad stencil screening. also, the accuracy of placing solder paste down on PCB's. why would you want an employee spending so much time aligning fiducial marks from panel to pan