Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 06:45:08 EST 2018 | micomac
We have Europlacer flexys pick and place. We have had 3 turret collisions with 8mm feeders arising from the tape retaining clip coming free during operation. Have asked Europlacer for part numbers for safety catches that a technician told me existe
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 13:00:48 EDT 2004 | haviland
Hi--We deal in used and recond. equipment in the Midwest, and have available a 1999 Amistar #7100FV w/ a nice complement of feeders, (6) pick up heads, rated component placement at 18,000 pph. Does .0402's, .3 BGA w/ 20 mil pitch, Full vision system,
Electronics Forum | Mon May 27 12:55:28 EDT 2002 | jgeissler
We are experiencing an increased amount of machine stoppage due to brittle 8mm cover tape. The issue does not appear to be feeder or part/manufacturer specific. Taking a foot of cover tape and pulling it from the ends results the cover tape snappin
Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 17:02:46 EDT 2002 | dougt
I've had problems with this in the past, pretty sure it was due to age. Had a couple of old reels of dummy parts that would not allow for any type of stretching of the cover tape. I have also seen where the cover tape appears to shrink and it pulls
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 20:35:16 EDT 2011 | smellew
Hi you can buy the motors individually direct from Siemens or others suppliers like ourselves SME(Surface Mount Engineering)also many other uk & EU dealers(STM, Adopt, AMS,ISS & CPS, just search you'll find them plus many china suppliers, (Left side
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 26 21:26:45 EDT 2011 | fholtman
I have a dead motor in one of our triple tracks, one of the three that advance the tape. was just wondering if anyone has been able to order this or any other motors direct or if they all have to come through Siemens. thanks in advance for any replys
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 26 20:14:12 EST 2000 | dave
I'm looking for a extension arm to fit on a Zevatech 8mm feeder which will allow us to use a 13" reel instead of the standard 7" reel. Does anyone make these or will I have to buld my own???
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 03 14:01:13 EDT 2004 | valuems
Hello Can any one tell me if the 8MM feeder for the TDK machines will handle 402's. Thanks ahead of time and we appreciate your time. Harry
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 14 19:41:35 EDT 2020 | yakout
hello michal have a nice day i need to adjust the pitch from 4mm to 8mm
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 17:10:25 EST 2000 | Jon Wentz
Hi Dave, What feeder model do you have? I took a quick look in my parts list manual and again, depending on your feeder model, you might be able to buy the needed part(s) from Zevatech/Juki. Have you checked with them yet? For example, the main feed