Electronics Forum: sm320 maintenence schedule (Page 1 of 9)

Pick & Place Machine Life Cycle

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 06 10:03:42 EDT 2018 | reckless

Samsung charges $5,000/year to keep a machine under warranty. I thought that was too high. The SM320/SM482 are on my wish list but annual maintenance contract & support are pushing me off. Definetly heeding your advice for dust free enviornment.

pick'n'place selection

Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 09:52:52 EDT 2006 | Rob

I think perhaps you should revisit the choice and take another look at Universal Advantis, I-Pulse M2 & M4(low cost Assemblion), Samsung SM320 or CP45 Neo, Contact Systems C5, Fuji XP series, Juki KE2060, and Siemens Siplace. There is nothing wrong

Maintenance Schedule for Electrovert Ultrapak 650C

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 25 09:53:18 EST 2005 | lyrtech

I wanna know if anyone has a maintenance schedule for an Electrovert Ultrapak 650C. If yes, can you give me some HINT to do that schedule? I'm new to that machine and I want to know all about it. Thanks a lot

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 08 09:19:53 EDT 2006 | Larry

Samsung vs. Assembleon We currently have both Samsung/Dynatech and Assembleon Equipment. We started with two Samsung machines but the support, flexibility, component range, accuracy and speed of their machines just wasn�t there. The difference betw

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 06:39:15 EST 2005 | rlackey

I know that you were very specific in your email about your choices, but have you not thought of adding a faster Mydata? You would negate the learning curve on operations & maintenance, have spare feeders, & be able to transfer programs over. Regard

preventative maintainence

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 17:16:53 EST 2001 | davef

Planned maintenance is: * Scheduled based on the equipment supplier recommendations. These maintenance schedules may be modified based on clear-headed thinking that is documented. * Calibration may not be slipped, but the schedule may be moved up. [

Scheduled Downtime

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 17:41:04 EDT 2001 | bdoyle

SMTnet will be down Saturday September 15th from 9AM EST until no later than 5PM EST for scheduled maintenance. We appologize for an inconvenience this may cause.


Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 08:06:40 EST 2004 | davef

Feeders are "calibrated" according to the manufacturer's instructions. Check your manual. Maintenance schedules are based on: * Design * Use

Maintenance Schedule for Electrovert Ultrapak 650C

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 25 11:34:33 EST 2005 | russ

It's all in the manual.

Maintenance Schedule for Electrovert Ultrapak 650C

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 23:08:07 EST 2006 | JimS

notice the first post was wrong.The second post has the correct number.

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