Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 12:34:15 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Outside the box: Can you retro your oven with a belt chain combo? I always order my ovens this way just in case. No pallet or carrier needed then. Can justify retro against the cost of the pallet or carrier. Two part epoxy instead of heat cure?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 04 20:10:05 EDT 2011 | rickysanchez
1.The bubbles appear only after the oven curing.before curing no bubbles encounterred. 2.The bubbles were very small, and can be found around the die in between the die and the epoxy. 3.Curing time is 150 degC for 4 hours.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 17 09:09:15 EDT 2000 | Chrys Shea
Contact the adhesive manufacturer, or their website. Most adhesive suppliers offer two cure options - one with a belt oven profile and one with a box oven profile. The belt oven is usually a ramp and plateau of 120-150C for approx 2 minutes. The b
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 14 18:17:40 EST 2001 | mparker
Some thing to watch out for is the cure spec for the adhesive. Will that match with your solder paste reflow spec? You will have two dissimiliar materials going through endothermic reactions at the same time. You could end up with under cured adhesiv
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 14:05:30 EDT 2001 | davef
No, there's not a really great epoxy product for attaching thermocouples in reflow. Specifically, what's your problem? From Sanders Temprobe verbage ... Adhesives There are two general classes of material commonly used to adhesive bond thermoc
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 08:28:39 EDT 2004 | davef
Roger Saunders, President Saunders Technology, Inc wrote a fairly unbiased paper that compared different thermocouple attach methods. You can probably find it on their site. In it, about gluing thermocouples, he says: There are two general classes
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 05 06:51:59 EST 2002 | V.RAMANAND KINI
Hi, This is a widely discussed subject and since you have asked a brief explanation, I assume, you are a business man or a top executive in the company venturing in to COB. I waited to see if someone replies to you. May be it is a very old subject
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 13:25:34 EST 1998 | Jeff Sanchez
| | | | Does anyone have any information or experience with the use of conductive epoxy in leu of solder. I have a unique application that might lend itself to this technology. I am looking for manufacturers, printing, curing and reliability info. |
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 11:20:40 EDT 1999 | Kevin Hussey
| | | Which among the two profiling method is more reliable/accurate in getting the oven thermal profile? | | | | | | a) using a HIGH-TEMP solder wire then soldering the thermocouples onto the profile points of the board (e.g. component lead etc.) |
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 11:58:06 EDT 1999 | Greg Jones
| | | | Which among the two profiling method is more reliable/accurate in getting the oven thermal profile? | | | | | | | | a) using a HIGH-TEMP solder wire then soldering the thermocouples onto the profile points of the board (e.g. component lead e