Electronics Forum: small components[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji CP6 and IP3 specifications request

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 05 08:15:39 EDT 2016 | jdengler

The IP3 specs are: PCB Dimensions Max: 508 mm x 457 mm - Min: 80mm x 50mm Thickness: 0.8 to 4.0mm Component Capacity Tape: 74 - 8/12mm Device Locations Tray: 40 Locations Placing Rate: 0.55 sec/component for small chips 1.25 sec/component for ICs

fine pitch on thick copper

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 07:58:02 EST 1999 | pascal MATHIEU

hello guys ; we are using a fine pitch component(0.65mm) on a thick copper PCB (Cu = 90�m) ; in this case we notice that we are in the process'limits , because the different supplier of the PCB are not able to ensure a good stability of it's process


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