Electronics Forum: smart bins (Page 1 of 1)

PB and PB Free on same screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 14:21:04 EDT 2007 | petep

We have done the Green Framed Stencils for an added $50.00 per, then got smart and went to green polyester on RoHS / Lead Free Stencils at no added cost. Dedicated Stencil blades and holders green of course) as well as Green Static mats on dedicated

In-Line Stencil Printers vs. Semi-Auto

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 01:20:33 EST 2002 | djarvis

Armin, I installed a second hand Dek Ela in-line in November. Prior to that we had been running 2 x SMTech (Quad ) Vmp100s, an MPM SP-2000 and an MPM SP-20. All semi-autos. I believe the Vmp100s to be a great machine and have recommended them to all

Re: Hey Ya'll, let's talk about Lead fer' a bit...

Electronics Forum | Sun May 02 18:44:26 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | How's the "Great Gas-out" going for ya'll? | | | | Myself, I'm doing real good! Haven't farted all day...(GRIN) | | | | Anyways, a thread got started down below about this so-called "Lead Free" stuff, and I just wanna' put my two cents in about


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