Electronics Forum: smd component oxidation (Page 1 of 65)

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 13:47:21 EDT 2013 | rway

Chances are this is not a component failure. First, these are passive components with passive testing on the ICT. He may have guarding issues, but more information is required as has been stated. Are all capacitors with the same P/N failing in dif

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 11:07:45 EDT 2010 | mun4o

hi, lately I have problem with smd leds.After reflow 2-4% of leds are broken.I think , that reason is bad storage of components, because in our stock the tape with leds have not Moisture Barrier Bags.My question is ,how you storage components, which

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 12:00:10 EDT 2013 | rgduval

Is this a new assembly/new test fixture/program? Or is this an existing assembly that is suddenly exhibiting this failure? Capacitors measured in circuit will not necessarily measure their correct values. Active components in circuit will be affec

Re: package information smd

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 17:28:28 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| I need packageinformation for smd comp. from as many suppliers as possible to program my pick and place machines | Thanks! | BGu. BGu: What's the deal??? Didn't your equipment supplier provide you with a component library? Dave F

Skills operators smd assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 11:32:40 EDT 2006 | Joris Groot koerkamp

I am wondering what skills operators need to run an smd line itself. At our company they know how the pick&place machine works (refill/ changover), but if there is a problem with wrong placed components they don't known what to do. Our managmenttea

Skills operators smd assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 15:47:07 EDT 2006 | Mark

IPC610 training to help verify issues that might arise. Also, the opeators need to know part numbers and descriptions because that should be common knowledge when running a SMT line. Plus, with your comment "At our company they know how the pick&plac

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 12:46:20 EDT 2010 | deanm

The standard J-STD-033B.1 addresses how to store moisture sensitive components. A dry box is a good, convenient way to store MSDs, but there are other methods to consider which are outlined in the standard. Are you sure that the problems are caused

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 08:01:04 EDT 2013 | mun4o

hi, i have problem with ceramic capacitor 10uF ±10% 16V X7R 1206.Problem is as follows:ICT ( Teradyne 8851 ) measured value 6 ?? 8uF ( about 70% of all lot).I decide that components ( samsung ) are defective.I buy one "type&reel" capacitors "Murata"

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 00:47:17 EDT 2013 | mun4o

Thanks , Reese.Yes , I check the capacitors with C-meter.When measured with C-meter , all capacitors are OK - +/-10% of the value. I can not underst?nd "Note: This is not a summation). Y5V -- -20% of nominal value, -part tolerance, -machine toleranc

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 03:50:37 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22

Some things you have to be sure of... Can you guarantee the LEDS are DRY when you receive them ? They may be packed in dry bags but when was this done and has the LED distributor had them open at his site ? Using vacuum sealed dry packs is a good way

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