Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 03:50:37 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22
Some things you have to be sure of... Can you guarantee the LEDS are DRY when you receive them ? They may be packed in dry bags but when was this done and has the LED distributor had them open at his site ? Using vacuum sealed dry packs is a good way
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 17 16:09:18 EDT 2002 | Hamish
Has anyone had trouble with SMD machine placing of SC-79 (approx 0402) varicaps (infineon, alpha, philips)? Using the recommended pads from Infineon I am struggling to get the component to place flat on the PCB and the pins to wet properly every time
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 21:23:51 EST 2000 | Dennis
Hello! all Will anybody give me advice for missing componets for 0402, 0603 R or C chips? I am not gonna tell you which machine I use, but from my experience, every p&p machine has possibility for missing component after placing 400 or more componen
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 14 22:58:17 EDT 2005 | crishan
Hi All, I would like help in establishing what is a feasible PPM reject rate from a typical SMD line. As a reference an SMD line consists of, solder paste printer, chip component placement, pick and place IC components and reflow. What is a bench
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 12:12:52 EDT 1998 | smd
200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | We don't even bother
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 08 17:57:31 EDT 2004 | codestar
We are looking to automate the pick and place process when it comes to the barcode labels or license plates located on the component reels. Now, prior to pick and placement starting, the reel labels have to be scanned. I have been advised a Fuji CP
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 07:18:14 EST 2000 | Christopher Lampron
Dennis, The solder paste is responsible for holding the component in place pre-reflow. Several things to look at: Is the paste accurately printed on the pad? If not, there may not be enough of the component in contact with the paste to provide adiq
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 11:56:53 EST 2010 | alexino76
Yes, u're right... U can do with Flexprogram; this is the dos based program that convert a zevatech file in a txt file or viceversa. You simple convert your PM file as txt and reconvert as FM740 format (g3g). After conversion u have to complete compo
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 19:51:40 EDT 2006 | darby
Are you trying to tie someone to an agreed wastage level or are you being tied? What machines are you talking about? What components are you talking about? The only acceptable wastage level is zero: but you can't get to zero until you've had some was
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 23:44:41 EDT 2006 | reypal
Thanks Darby for your comment and absolutely agree with you. What we are trying to define here is a KPI for throw out. but before that, we need to get a guideline or standard as reference. in this case, if no any industry standard then we can use cur