Electronics Forum: smd component storage rack (Page 1 of 2)

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 14:33:46 EDT 2010 | jdumont

Is your peak reflow temp exceeding the LED spec? We store our SMT LED reels on the rack with the rest of the discreets and have never seen this issue...

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 11:07:45 EDT 2010 | mun4o

hi, lately I have problem with smd leds.After reflow 2-4% of leds are broken.I think , that reason is bad storage of components, because in our stock the tape with leds have not Moisture Barrier Bags.My question is ,how you storage components, which

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 12:46:20 EDT 2010 | deanm

The standard J-STD-033B.1 addresses how to store moisture sensitive components. A dry box is a good, convenient way to store MSDs, but there are other methods to consider which are outlined in the standard. Are you sure that the problems are caused

smd led storage

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 03:50:37 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22

Some things you have to be sure of... Can you guarantee the LEDS are DRY when you receive them ? They may be packed in dry bags but when was this done and has the LED distributor had them open at his site ? Using vacuum sealed dry packs is a good way

Moisture free storage units.

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 17:13:24 EDT 2003 | fmonette

John, Maybe you know this already but I just wanted to highlight a few facts about dry cabinets. My experience is that many engineers are not well aware of the industry guidelines and sometimes will buy a dry cabinet without understanding the key f

Re: reflow/cure/wave for double side assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 04:01:10 EDT 1999 | Chris May

| What are pro's and con's of reflowing top side first and curing bottom side chip components, and then wave soldering bottom side? | | How about curing bottom side first and reflowing top side later? | | What percentage of companies run reflow/cur

Lifted Lead

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 10:39:50 EDT 2004 | Marie

Suggest looking at the packaging,is it sufficient to prevent damage to the QFP?. What way are these components stored when received?.Are the reels stored in boxes or racks?.Storage in boxes may cause damage from stacking the reels on top of each oth

SMD reeled components

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 07:04:08 EST 2000 | Jacqueline Coia

Could anyone please tell me the recommended guidelines regarding the max. time and the storage environment for complete (plastic blister tape) SMD reeled components before being used. This is before any associated quality problems occur during assemb

SMT Device Storage

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 26 02:49:46 EST 2004 | Mike

Help! I have a small SMT section that produces low volume but high mix assemblies and, therefore, has over 300 devices. I am looking for a low cost flexible storage solution and believe I have an idea which I recall is available but I cannot find w

Re: SMD reeled components

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 21:41:27 EST 2000 | Dave F

Jack: You should use your components promptly. Don't store 'em, only bad things will happen to them. 1 You should store all your components, not just your SMD reeled components, so they are not damaged or their solderability decreased. Check the

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