Electronics Forum: smd machine (Page 1 of 29)

Skills operators smd assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 11:32:40 EDT 2006 | Joris Groot koerkamp

I am wondering what skills operators need to run an smd line itself. At our company they know how the pick&place machine works (refill/ changover), but if there is a problem with wrong placed components they don't known what to do. Our managmenttea

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 00:47:17 EDT 2013 | mun4o

Thanks , Reese.Yes , I check the capacitors with C-meter.When measured with C-meter , all capacitors are OK - +/-10% of the value. I can not underst?nd "Note: This is not a summation). Y5V -- -20% of nominal value, -part tolerance, -machine toleranc

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 13:43:02 EDT 2013 | rway

The low value will be 0.624uF. You have to factor it from the low tolerance (-10%). So: 0.9 x 0.92 (machine tolerance) x 0.91 x 0.91 x 0.91 (3 decade aging factor for X7R dielectric). We factor hours at the 3rd decade (10,000 hours), but you can

package information smd

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 02:40:44 EDT 1998 | Bent Gulbrandsen

I need packageinformation for smd comp. from as many suppliers as possible to program my pick and place machines Thanks! BGu.

Re: package information smd

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 17:28:28 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| I need packageinformation for smd comp. from as many suppliers as possible to program my pick and place machines | Thanks! | BGu. BGu: What's the deal??? Didn't your equipment supplier provide you with a component library? Dave F

smd capacitors- ICT measuring

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 08:32:24 EDT 2013 | rway

Have you verified the measurements on the bench with an LCR meter? Chances are you are experiencing aging with these ceramic caps. We have similar issues with X5R and X7R caps. You will see the effects of aging with returns from the field as well

omega meter 600 smd

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:54:02 EDT 2005 | Roberto Rodriguez

I have a omega meter 600 SMD, but I need a calibration Certificated and Service Support, I'm tring to find in Internet but this machine is OLD. Do you know a company give this Service? Please contact to Email. Roberto.Rodriguez@Teradyne.com Eng. Ro

Skills operators smd assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 15:47:07 EDT 2006 | Mark

IPC610 training to help verify issues that might arise. Also, the opeators need to know part numbers and descriptions because that should be common knowledge when running a SMT line. Plus, with your comment "At our company they know how the pick&plac

Skills operators smd assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 19:09:12 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Our lines have operators on all shifts capable of doing programming start-to-finish and can deal with almost any program related problem. We are high mix, low volume. Our builds are sometimes one of a kind with qauntities of 20 or 30. We empower a

Skills operators smd assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 16:40:09 EDT 2006 | dphilbrick

We have a system where when we set up the line to run a job before the first part is placed an auditor verifies we have all the correct parts loaded on the machines in thier correct locations. We then run a first article. The board is inspected to in

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