Electronics Forum: smd marking (Page 1 of 7)

smd marking code

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 10:11:49 EST 2006 | slthomas

I found the following link here in the fine SMTnet archives: http://www.tkb-4u.com/code/smdcode/indexsmdcode.php

smd marking code

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 06:15:05 EST 2006 | James.li

I would like to know if it exist a croos reference book for marking code on smt device? I'm fixing a unit now and try to know what are the following devices: The look like mosfet and are mark like that "A2sKG",there are a horizontal line on top of "s

SMD marking codes

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 23:16:58 EDT 2005 | Author

If it is necessary to define the type SMD semiconductors on its code of the marking (marking code, top mark) - visit the site (no www!)http://users.zebratelecom.ru/~smd_marking The having read article "rules of the marking" you get the full pres

marking code for SMD

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 22 05:40:52 EST 2000 | tabbakh

I would like to know the reference of 2 surface mounted device 1)marking D05 SOT143 2)marking R2 D SOT23 Thank you very much

Tape and shunts are good ideas for WS *BUT*...

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 07:02:59 EDT 1998 | smd

Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is effective but also expensive. Also, some tape was leaving yellow marks on the goldfingers. We're trying the so-called goldfinger glove from Steven's Products. It's a very small company (probably one gu

Darn-left out contact info on the goldinger gloves

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 08:23:37 EDT 1998 | smd

Stevens Products (supposedly around since 1937) 128 N. Park St. E. Orange, NJ 07019 Tel 973-672-2140 Contact: Ross Stevens, Jr. They'll take a PO but terms are net 30 Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is | effective but also expensive. A

SMD Marking Code unrecognise

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 16:22:28 EDT 2012 | mmjm_1099

Give this a shot.. http://www.marsport.org.uk/smd/mainframe.htm

SMD Marking Code unrecognise

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 17:39:44 EDT 2012 | hishamuddinjohari

Hi, I cannot find the following SMD semiconductor marking code 'H890' somebody help me

manufacture symbols

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 08:20:55 EST 2007 | davef

Marking * SMD marking list on http://www.tkb-4u.com is more update than "The SMD Codebook" on http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/smdcode.htm * http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/mainframe.htm * http://www.chipdocs.com/pcat/015/1124.html * http:/

Sot Marking Codes

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 22 07:22:37 EDT 2006 | davef

Marking * SMD marking list on http://www.tkb-4u.com is more update than "The SMD Codebook" on http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/smdcode.htm * http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/mainframe.htm * http://www.chipdocs.com/pcat/015/1124.html * http:

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