Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 13:05:19 EDT 2023 | proceng1
Occasionally we need to verify that the part in my hand is the MPN it is supposed to be. Or I need to figure out what a part is because the part number label is damaged. I had been using smdmark (dot) com with some success, but it appears to be down
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 22:14:05 EDT 2023 | spoiltforchoice
Isn't it a pain? At least TI have a proper page for lookups, they might be an exception however. The other one that gets me, is when a supplier sends something completely wrong and then says, "what did we send you?" Your problem mate, note mine.
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 06:15:05 EST 2006 | James.li
I would like to know if it exist a croos reference book for marking code on smt device? I'm fixing a unit now and try to know what are the following devices: The look like mosfet and are mark like that "A2sKG",there are a horizontal line on top of "s
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 10:11:49 EST 2006 | slthomas
I found the following link here in the fine SMTnet archives: http://www.tkb-4u.com/code/smdcode/indexsmdcode.php
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 11:42:00 EDT 2010 | cellis
I would recommend doing a google search on smt dry box. There are several supplies of them. We supply them also from http://www.manncorp.com Thanks, Chris
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 19:05:29 EST 2020 | emeto
SMT splice tape is what you are looking for.
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 19 22:46:18 EST 2020 | tueftler
Hi there. I'm searching for a good adhesive tape to fix the used smd tape on its reel after mounting. So that the reel will not spin off. It should be have a great glue, so that there is no glue residue after next opening the reel. Did anybode ha
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 23:21:53 EST 2020 | tueftler
I dont think so. SMT splice tape is what i'm using to fit separate smd snippets together... Isnt it?
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 21 19:17:02 EST 2020 | tueftler
Hi there. Oh, great. The Allsmt stuff looks be perfect. I have to contact them now. Thank you and merry christmas days!
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 23:13:46 EST 2020 | isd_jwendell
I have been using 3M (Scotch) 233+ (6mm or 3mm width)