Electronics Forum: smd top code list (Page 1 of 2)

smd marking code

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 06:15:05 EST 2006 | James.li

I would like to know if it exist a croos reference book for marking code on smt device? I'm fixing a unit now and try to know what are the following devices: The look like mosfet and are mark like that "A2sKG",there are a horizontal line on top of "s

SMD marking codes

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 23:16:58 EDT 2005 | Author

If it is necessary to define the type SMD semiconductors on its code of the marking (marking code, top mark) - visit the site (no www!)http://users.zebratelecom.ru/~smd_marking The having read article "rules of the marking" you get the full pres

manufacture symbols

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 08:20:55 EST 2007 | davef

Marking * SMD marking list on http://www.tkb-4u.com is more update than "The SMD Codebook" on http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/smdcode.htm * http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/mainframe.htm * http://www.chipdocs.com/pcat/015/1124.html * http:/

Sot Marking Codes

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 22 07:22:37 EDT 2006 | davef

Marking * SMD marking list on http://www.tkb-4u.com is more update than "The SMD Codebook" on http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/smdcode.htm * http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/mainframe.htm * http://www.chipdocs.com/pcat/015/1124.html * http:

Re: Marking Codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 03:10:19 EST 2000 | H.J.Zwier

Hi Robert, Try looking at www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/ This site contains a list of html files with all marking codes known at this moment. Your example of a transistor with marking code 8A can be a 3V3 zener diode or a npn general purpose transi

QUAD 4C Laser problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 11:37:43 EDT 2013 | bobpan

I dont have a list for anything that old. The oldest i have is version 2.10. Check to see if the mod code list that you have says what version it is.....usually its on the top of the document

Re: DFM / DFT information

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 13 22:20:38 EDT 2000 | Dave F

=10 mils larger than lead 3 silk screen legend text weight >=10 mils 4 pads >=15 mils larger than finished hole sizes 5 place through hole components on 50 mil grid 6 no silk screen legend text over vias (if vias not solder masked) or holes 7 so


Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 00:26:58 EDT 2008 | bobwillis

Bob Willis' Top Ten Reference Books Here is a new list of "Bob Willis' Top Ten" reference books that has been updated for 2007 to take into account recent changes in technology. In the publishing industry there are many charts and awards for the bes

Vision Type for Dpak in SMD3-Fuji Flexa (IP3)

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 16:39:33 EDT 2009 | rmitchell

Hi, I think vision 20 will work as well. If not we have used 100 or 105. Have you tried placing the part with the machine trace on? If so is it finding all the leads? any error codes? If you are defining the leads in the EL lead data I would not d

Rework Station for SMD PCBs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 19:56:12 EST 2012 | hegemon

In order to be able to do full prototype assembly, you will need to be able to mount and reflow a large number of different devices of differing technology. One part might be a simple QFP, another might be a .4mm pitch uBGA. If you are prototyping a

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