Electronics Forum: sme feeders (Page 1 of 1)

Siemens triple track 8mm feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 20:35:16 EDT 2011 | smellew

Hi you can buy the motors individually direct from Siemens or others suppliers like ourselves SME(Surface Mount Engineering)also many other uk & EU dealers(STM, Adopt, AMS,ISS & CPS, just search you'll find them plus many china suppliers, (Left side

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:27:38 EDT 2016 | kahrpr

We have Samsung and havehad no problems with simultaneous pick ups with 201s 0r 402s. the feeders are durable and do not need much repair especially the sm feeders. The SME feeders have not been out as long so we will see so far so good. As with all

Feeder Type

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:43:30 EDT 2016 | andreferreira

Hy, I do programs pick & places Samsung . I have a line consisting of a sm471 and sm482 ! to make progamas and optimizes them use easyOlp , these machines use electrical feeders that is SM8 for 0805 SM12 for circuits . My problem is that whe

Placement of chips 0201 in Hanwha SM482

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 08:28:16 EDT 2020 | pickplace

Hi Jacobo, it would be importatn to know what kind of error the machine is displaying. Are the chips in paper or plasic tape? Did you check pickup coordinates and hight? Have you many false edge pick vision errors? Then I would switch off the tombest

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 19:13:33 EDT 2016 | darby

Thanks Sr. If you have zero tolerance for simul pick up in your component files then you will not have simul pick up due to variances in your head offsets. So you are saying that on your Juki you run a tolerance for 0201? All other head positions at


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