Electronics Forum: smema tester (Page 1 of 1)

ATI Conveyor Smema Question

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 17:46:38 EST 2008 | swag

If the phone jacks have two conductors in them, I would wire them to standard SMEMA connectors so that the upstream side goes to the middle two SMEMA pins and downstream goes to the outermost two pins. If there are 4 conductors in the phone jacks, y

in-line testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 13:43:20 EDT 2005 | pjc

I sell in-line ATE/ICT systems. They are designed to identify passed or failed boards coming off the tester(s). You can do so with a 90 deg. diverter and an extra magazine loader. The ICT machine knows which has passed and which has failed, so it com


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