Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 18:22:36 EDT 2011 | garym4569
We have a inline YesTech YTV-2000 in a newly configured SMT line and having issues with the transfer system. Shortly after the unit is put in run mode, the conveyor will turn on and run as if it is attempting to load a pcb even though no pcb availab
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 15:06:28 EST 2008 | kmakiya
PFC box is upstream and Agilent is downstream. If Agilent conveyor runs with no board upstream pins 3 & 4 made be shorted. This should not be the case if there is no board upstream.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 15:00:26 EDT 2016 | awhite
Got it!!!!! On the main Operator Screen for the MPM UP2000, and under configuration (when logged-in under maintenance), it gives you ONLY the settings that the machine is set to....there are no drop-downs or options available to choose from. Very fr
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 14:45:57 EDT 2010 | mmccance
Has anyone had any experience with SANSDA? We have a board loader that was bought used with no documentation. We have tried to contact them requesting schematics or a SMEMA manual to no avail. The loader is not completing the circuit telling the d
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 22:11:38 EST 1998 | phillip hunter
| SMTnetters: | | My UIC conveyors aren't working with my: | | �Omniflow 7 Reflow (Mfg 1/95) | �Dek 265 GS | �Philips CSM | | | What can I do? Does anyone have experience with connecting UIC or other conveyors to the above equipment? On the refl
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 16:05:59 EDT 2000 | CAL
Brian- IPC has SMEMA Down loads for communication protocal: http://www.ipc.org/html/fsresources.htm. Also, I interfaced a fuji CP6 with a Siemens s20 and had to put in a relay and sensor to complete the communications loop. Fuji uses a 24v on/off com
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 29 12:56:53 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
Smema is connected and works and the 2 machines will communicate. It seems as though the conveyor wants to see a board eveery 30 secs or so, If the upstream can give it one in this timeframe everything is good. If not it times out and the yellow butt
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 07:00:28 EDT 2016 | awhite
Thanks for the reply. When you hit start on the printer, you can see it send the "start cycle (SMEMA)" signal, and it immediately goes to "awaiting board from upstream." This tells me that the printer knows a signal has definitely been sent and rece
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 09:26:00 EDT 2016 | awhite
Our MPM Up2000 HIE is having a communication problem with any upstream machine we place in front of it...i.e. conveyor, board loader, etc. It all started when we removed a conveyor from inbetween it and a board loader, and hooked those machines up di
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 16:56:55 EDT 2002 | stockley
I started writing a long winded explanation about SMEMA and realised that it is just as easy to write about this as it is to talk about it on the phone. It just so happens that I have recently gone through this process so I believe that your vendor