Electronics Forum: smps (Page 1 of 1)

transistor blown up

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 29 01:28:48 EST 2018 | emmamillathompson

We are using a smps for our comm pcb , a relay and a current sensor, which uses 4.2v, 12v and 5v respectively. We are controling one phase of a three phase 5hp water motor. Also smps circuit and relay output are in parallel so output load doesnt effe

Problem no out put 5v panadac 770

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 23:23:01 EDT 2009 | gopang

I have problem with my Panadac 770, the problem no out Put 5v, i was check : 1). Change SMPS in panadac 2). Change terminal cad 3). Change Transistor 2SC2200 4). Change transistor 2SD867 Please conform to me if have solutions and some body have wir

Weird resistor color code

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 08:30:53 EST 2021 | zxcvb

Hello there! In one SMPS, I noticed a blown resistor with the following color code: yellow (4) Violet(7) Gold(?) Gold Black. I'm not sure what the value is. The dimensions of the resistor are those of a conventional MF0207 metal film resistor. I assu

Thinking of Led lamp and resistor

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 04:56:12 EDT 2016 | lilybell

I read a few posts here about resistor in led applications. The thing is, the resistor has clarified as this shows:was always use with a power source delivering a higher forward voltage than the led could tolerate(ex: a 9volt battery hook up to a 3w


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