Electronics Forum: smt

Re: pcb supplier listings

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 16:02:18 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Wussamatta with PC Fab? Other than PC Fab, try: � SMTnet Industry Directory lists 250 (or so) fabricators � Printed Wiring Board Resource Center, Printed Wiring Board Facility Directory (http://www.pwbrc.org) has a huge shop listing by US state � As

Re: pcb depanelization

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 16:11:52 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| Could you direct me to comapnies that sell pcb depanelizers? Any info. on this subject will be appreciated. | There are at least a dozen. Search this forum's industry directory for "singulation" and you will find two. Another popular manufactur

Re: pcb depanelization

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 13:39:45 EDT 1999 | Jason Birch

Cencorp is a company you might request informaion from. I am currently involved in a project with this company. They are out of Longmont, CO and there # is 303-702-0081 | | Could you direct me to comapnies that sell pcb depanelizers? Any info. on t

Re: Market place for used PCB machinery

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 08:42:38 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| how to buy a used or new equipments for pcb industry | and a good s/w for design and simulation | Eng\Hossam Alzomor | Egypt | Hossam: Suggest you start right here. Check out the Industry Directory for manufacturers and the type of PCB / SMT eq

Re: Contract Assembly Houses

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 01:44:46 EDT 1999 | Joe

| | Can anyone suggest a place on the web, or a publication that lists all PCB assembly houses? It would be great if it has a decent amount of information on each, name, address, phone, etc? | | | | I am aware of The Electronic Sourcebook already b

Re: Contract Assembly Houses

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 09:24:33 EDT 1999 | Jim Trent

| | | Can anyone suggest a place on the web, or a publication that lists all PCB assembly houses? It would be great if it has a decent amount of information on each, name, address, phone, etc? | | | | | | I am aware of The Electronic Sourcebook alr


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 08 17:55:31 EDT 2019 | davef

Spoiltforchoice, you say: “Random vendor selling specific products or services. only in answer to a question.” Help me out -- Which vendors are random and which are nonrandom? Are advertisers random? Are potential advertisers nonrandom? Are Chinese

Re: Gripper ,Eyelet ,Pin ,Sequencer Bandoliery tape ,Please Help !!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 22:26:14 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| | Dear Sirs, | | Please i need to know some contact fone numbers and faxes and contact persons to the following issues : | | 1. gripper pin for PCB assembly | | 2. Eyelets for PCB assembly | | 3. Pin connectors for PCB assembly | | 4. Sequebcer

What were your top go-to sources for electronics information and learning in 2018

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 10:28:58 EST 2018 | davef

Media Links IPC Global Insight This weekly electronic newsletter includes IPC news and multimedia information on manufacturing and management best practices and solutions, new technologies, standards, government relations and environment, health and

Re: I looking for a beta site for a new drying process

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 14:52:13 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | | | We have developed a new process for removing moisture from surface mount devices. We have one site where PCB laminate drying has been reduced to 1.5 hours. A standard oven took 4 hours to do the job. I am looking for a firm who does large s

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