Electronics Forum: smt 5 volt charger design (Page 1 of 1)

Solder Paste Evaluation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 22:47:31 EST 2006 | davef

We didn't intend to light anyone's fur on fire [get anyone's underwear in a knot, roil the waters, have a cow man] about consultants. The Phil Zarrow wrote a useful paper that could help in evaluating paste. Here read it ... Evaluating Solder Paste

How to choose a new solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 08:52:42 EDT 2011 | davef

Phil Zarrow wrote a useful paper that could help in evaluating paste. Here read it ... Evaluating Solder Paste � Not An Option Contributed by Phil Zarrow of ITM an Independent SMT consulting firm With soldering being the dominant source of assembly


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