Electronics Forum: smt and component and tape and machine (Page 1 of 9)

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 13:37:35 EDT 2001 | Stefan

The pressure sensitive tape is used as an alternative to heat sealed cover tape. It works usually quite well and is easily applied by the taping machine, but it can create some problems in the tape feeder. In the Surftape, Cal is referring to, the c

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 14:10:24 EDT 2001 | cal

I am confused. You are using pressure sensitive tape. the pessure sensitive tape i have seen does not use cover tape.The pressure sensitive tape I am familiar with is called "Surftape" could you provide some more clarification?? Surftape is more co

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 13:35:00 EDT 2001 | stepheno

I used to work with Chris. (neither of us are there anymore). What is he talking about is putting components into "pockets". The parts would come in, in sticks (tubes) but we wanted them in reels. At first we sent them out to be reeled, but that w

Re: tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 08:50:58 EDT 2000 | Mike Keogh

Ref.message from Chris McDonald,CORRECTION... VTECH SMT LTD. of Stirling, Scotland are an award winning supplier to major 'Blue Chip' companies and should in no way be confused with V-Tek inc. as intimated in chris's message. To date we have never su

tape and reel components

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 15:39:54 EDT 2002 | DANIEL

Are there very many companies that send there smt components out to be put on tape and reel

tape and reel components

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 12:55:27 EDT 2002 | davef

We send parts out to be tape & reeled. We do not send all loose parts out to be tape & reeled. As you would expect, we base our decision on: * T&R service company lead time * Our production schedule * Cost benefit of T&R versus some other productio

small and good pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:18:03 EDT 2013 | feiyangniao

There is a new toy I received today: a NeoDen TM-240A automatic desktop pick and place machine! I’ve kept my eyes on this baby for a quite a while, and finally decided to make a purchase last week. The shipping was very fast: DHL from China, a total

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 22:34:14 EDT 2005 | davef

Some machines provide for replacing feeders while placing components. Search the SMTnet Archives for background discussion on tape splicing, while you're waiting for others to respond.

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 21 04:20:40 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi Greg, Remember, splicing isn't just for when components run out - it's also for when you have to pull a part reel from stock, swap it across machines with different feeders, or when the tape snaps. Cheers, Rob.

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 10:25:40 EDT 2005 | gregp

On our machines, the feeder release latch is designed such that the feeder goes offline (machine will not pick from it) before you can actually remove the feeder. This makes it virtually impossible to damage a nozzle or spindle. I'm not sure about

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