Electronics Forum: smt connector (Page 1 of 36)

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 11:28:13 EST 2002 | sam

I believe you need some sort of "flat top" for this connector. I have ordered special "tops" for connectors we have placed in the past, the top is simply removed before any item is plugged into it. This also protects the connector after the board i

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 11:00:44 EST 2002 | davef

Like this, eh? http://www.samtec.com/suddenspecs/techspec.asp?series=tsm

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 17:14:15 EST 2002 | jseagle

What is the height, width, and length of the connector, packaging? We currently place a 2x20 2mm gull wing SMT connector measuring 8mm H x 38mm L x 6.1mm W, packaged on tape and reel with a plastic pickup in the center. We do this on an Assembleon

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 24 16:53:44 EST 2002 | mikestringer

We place a similar square pin style of connector on one of our products. The connector is a 22mm high HW series from Samtek. We have a Yamaha YVL88 MK1 and YV88XS set up to handle them (Yes they are rebadged as Philips machines in some markets). No

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 10:56:41 EST 2002 | jax

Why are you unable to place this part with your Machine. Part to big? No pick up point( nozzle landing area )? No Feeder? Vision recognition? If we know why you can't place it, we might have a fix.

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 13:16:04 EST 2002 | dougt

We place parts like this with a contact systems machine (3Z). The part comes on a reel and has a flat top on it (as mentioned above) that can be removed as soom as it comes out of the oven.

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 07:40:42 EST 2002 | Yannick

We are unable to pick it up because we don't have any landing area, but some guys said that we can add a plastic cap on it so it may help...I will check up..unless you can suggest me other thing Thank you

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 10:44:52 EST 2002 | Yannick

hi, we just have a new board to mount and on it we have almost 15 connector like this one TSM-103-02-T-DH-LC...it's a SMT .025" (0,64MM) SQUARE POST HEADER we are not able to place this component with our machine( it's a philips) and doing it by

SMT connector

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 13:43:12 EDT 2008 | fujillews

Hi Send me a picture with some dimensions directly to llew@alternativesmt.com of fax to our head office i will create one for you f.o.c

Re: single pin connector

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 08:37:42 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| First of all, I'm a young Spanish so sorry for my English | | I'm looking for a smd single pin connector. I need it to solder it in a alumina's substrate. | | Please. can anybody help me ? | Baddia: That everyone with English as their first la

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