Electronics Forum: smt dpmo vs inspection yield (Page 1 of 1)

Supplier Rating PPM/DPMO

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 10:56:31 EST 2004 | russ

the reason you don't want to use PPM is exactly the reason you need to. You cannot compare a square 1" block to a multi faceted custom machine part. In SMT assembly you will usually find that all 0603 and larger discreetes,25mil pitch, etc. are pro

Bottom side SMT wave vs. top side reflow yields

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 12:48:26 EDT 2002 | slthomas

Assuming all things are equal (attention to good DFM guidelines, well trained and capable operators, well maintained equipment, etc.), which would you expect to have the higher process yield, standard SMT/through-hole all topside, or all SMT bottom (

Re: DPM-Rate for SMT pprocess

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 06:19:30 EDT 1998 | Charles Stringer

| | | Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has? | | | DPM is Defects per million, usually measured on components. We run a process consisting of small to medi

Re: Defect Rate Measurement Technique

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 05 18:40:24 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| Dear All, | | We are a medium sized Electronic manufacturing company manufacturing computer motherboards and Telecommunication products. We have a big debate going on within our company regarding the defect rate measurement technique. | | At p

Re: DPM-Rate for SMT pprocess

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 11:03:45 EST 1998 | Scott Lolmaugh

| | | | Does sombbody know what DPM rate a good and reliable SMT assembly line (incl. solder paste print, assembly and feflow soldering) has? | | | | DPM is Defects per million, usually measured on components. We run a process consisting of small to

AOI vs. XRay

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 11:27:49 EDT 2001 | Eyal Duzy

I will review some of the advantages/disadvantages of AOI vs. X-Ray one by one according to the main differences that you may find between them. * AOI uses optics that can "see" only visible elements. X-Ray can "see" hidden elements. There is a ve


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