Electronics Forum: smt engineering inc (Page 1 of 76)

SMT engineering degree

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 29 23:45:19 EST 2004 | Vincent Truong

Hi everyone. I'm in my last semester of my SMT manufacturing 3 year diploma program. I'll graduate in April 2004. I would like to go further study of this field. I'm planning to get the SMT engineering degree, can someone give me a direction what u

SMT engineering degree

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 08:56:48 EST 2004 | davef

Amoung the GREAT schools to consider are: * Purdue * Georgia Tech * SUNY Binghamton

SMT engineering degree

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 10:19:32 EST 2004 | Ron W

I myself am a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Technology program at SUNY Binghamton in Binghamton, NY, now known as Binghamton University. I would strongly recommend this university for your consideration.

smt machines function

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 15 10:43:51 EDT 2005 | mahe

sorry to all.Actually i get a Job in a SMT machines manufacturing industry.Next month i join to this factory.So i need lot of information about smt machines (basically i am diploma electronics engineer with 8 years experience in cnc and plc machines

Re: smt component id

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 11 20:33:37 EST 1997 | Ben Salisbury

Another good source I've come to use quite often is the search engine from National Semi-Conductor. The link to the page is down below. If you ever run into a situation where you only know the company of manufacture for the chip, go to their web site

smt operator looking for work!

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 13:02:59 EST 2009 | petep

Carlton, A local company in the Shenandoah Valley - Virginia is looking for an SMT operator. I believe they use Mydata They have an ad placed at http://www.dnronline.com - Company name is PMI or Power Monitors Inc. Good Luck!

Help identify missing smt component

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 04:06:47 EDT 2006 | Rob

Bourns is quite a high end name in the electronics industry & you usually pay a premium for percieved Swiss precision engineering. If your card is far east built it is much more likely to have an inductor on from Murata, Panasonic, or one of the Chi

Re: Wave soldering smt components

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 03:38:53 EST 1999 | cklau

Hello Guys; I "ll like to add some comment on Mr John message , see below.. "Be sure that the components to be used on the bottom can take the maximum heat of the wave and the delta T of entering the wave."-John The required preheat temp , that i

inline smt 1m 2 stage conveyor belt

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 16:25:20 EST 2022 | mihai_voivod

I'm not understanding what roller with closed sides you are referring to. My edge roller bearing (brass color) has a lip on the side. The middle roller bearings (silver) have a slightly bigger lip. These are the roller bearing shown on the manufact

smt technologies for studies & reading

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 02:22:19 EDT 1998 | ahmad

hi....i am new at this technology and would like to know more about smt... presently iam studying in an engineering field and one of the subject required me to make a studies about smt technologies...if anyone out there know where i might find a dec

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