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smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:39:59 EDT 2016 | kahrpr

The first issue I see is that you have a high potential of the 402 tombstoning.

smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 06:51:55 EDT 2016 | abhilash4788

Hi All, One of my customer has provided a pcb design having common pad for 0402 and 1206 package(i.e 3 pads in the gerber, pad1,pad2 belongs to 1206 package and pad2,pad3 belongs to 0402 package) Will this create any solderability issue. Is anyone e

smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:47:05 EDT 2016 | davef

You're correct. This design will have a record amount of 0402 rework for tombstoning and misalignments. Suggest that the pads on each end of all components be the same size in order to balance wetting forces during reflow.

smt common pad 0402 and 1206 package

Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 09:23:45 EDT 2016 | markhoch

I agree with the previous two replies. This is a perfect design....if you're trying to create a graveyard full of tombstones.

SMT package types

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 14:37:44 EST 2002 | jpond

IPC-SM-782 defines some of the acronyms.

SMT package types

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 09:01:34 EST 2002 | russ

Does anybody know of any document(s) that define the different package types such as SOP, SOIC, VSOP, TSOP,TSSOP, QSOP, LQFP, VQFP, etc...? I am re-doing our component library and would like to use industry names for each component type. Thanks Rus

SMT package types

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 10:09:59 EST 2002 | daanterstegge

Very helpfull are the downloadable catalogues of dummy component suppliers, like Topline (http://www.toplinedummy.com)and Practicalcomponents (http://www.practicalcomponents.com). Daan Terstegge www.smtinfo.net

SMT package types

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 11:28:14 EST 2002 | soupatech

Those are a great help for component ID as far as looking at the part and finding the correct name but is there a list of what all those letters mean? It would help me to remember if I could relate it to a real discription.

SMT package types

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 09:37:48 EST 2002 | stepheno

One thing to take note of with the TSOP's is that is a T1 variety and a T2 variety. One has the leads on the sides, the other has leads on the ends. I believe the T1 has the leads on the ends, but I would have to look it up to be sure.

SMT package types

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 14:24:24 EST 2002 | genny

SOP small outline package SOIC small outline integrated circuit TSOP thin SOP TSSOP thin shrink SOP PQFP plastic quad flat pack (also CQFP is ceramic QFP) LQFP low profile QFP VQFP I don't know QSOP a guess is 'quad small outline pkg'

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