Electronics Forum: smt package to feeder size chart (Page 1 of 3)

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 18:39:41 EDT 2008 | kiter

Was wondering if anyone has a general chart matching SMT package size with tape feeder size. E.g 0602: 8mm Tape 2mm pitch. Cheers.

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 12:37:29 EST 2008 | stepheniii

You might want to check out the empty feeder tape supplier websites. If you have a part they want to make sure it's easy to find the right tape size so you can buy it from them.

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 12:28:22 EST 2008 | evtimov

Hi, most common parts were mentioned already. For all the rest you will have the simple counting we all do. Distanse between two holes in the tape is 4mm. You dont need special software for that. packages for passive parts you will learn fast.

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 03 16:09:42 EST 2008 | Frank

Oddly enough, I find it more often than not that the supply type is not mentioned in the data sheets. And if the original author was saying 0603 in a metric package, then it would be in 8x2 tape. Even in the US, some companies use the metric names

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 14:38:19 EDT 2008 | markhoch

Actually 0603 is 8mm x 4mm pitch. 0201 and 0402 are 8mm x 2mm pitch. 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210 are 8mm x 4mm pitch. Tant Caps 3216 & 3528 packages are 8mm X 4mm pitch. 6032 and 7343 are 12mm X 8mm pitch. ICs, Diodes, Transistors are various sizes and d

SMT package to feeder size chart

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 06 12:30:54 EST 2008 | markhoch

Maybe..... ...but it's not like I was wrong. I was only trying to help. And I certainly didn't belittle him in any way shape or form. So why do have to get all up in my Biz-nass about it? Huh? You wanna go? Let's go! Go ahead...make your move...I've

Re: quoting smt

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 17:53:06 EDT 1999 | Tom B.

| I am interested in seeing how some of you quote smt work. Currently we quote off a bom without component packages known then look in data books to find out what type of component they are. This job will be mine soon but i really believe there is a

New to SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 13:00:25 EDT 2008 | mw_fl

For the most part there would not be a lot of change over. There are two primary boards at this time that would be run on the line that also use common components. At this point all but a couple of the pick and place machines we have looked at have t

Re: Soldering to Gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 20:55:35 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | We have some SMT components with gold plated leads. They're actually LCC led packages. A good solder alloy to use would be Indium / Lead to reduce tin dissolution into the gold and avoid the resultant brittle intermetallic compound. However, a re

85K grant. How best to use?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 15:39:04 EDT 2016 | spoiltforchoice

It seems a remarkable coup to have been awarded a grant without already having specified exactly why you want it, what you are going to spend it on and how it will benefit your business and the local area. I had an email about the Fox just the other

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