Electronics Forum: smt pick place company (Page 1 of 102)

small and good pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:18:03 EDT 2013 | feiyangniao

There is a new toy I received today: a NeoDen TM-240A automatic desktop pick and place machine! I’ve kept my eyes on this baby for a quite a while, and finally decided to make a purchase last week. The shipping was very fast: DHL from China, a total

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 12 00:48:35 EDT 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi I want to echo the above good advice. Be careful that you either buy a machine from a company that will be here 5 years out or you buy training, equipment documentation and spare parts to cover you. YiEng, MA/NY DDave

"New" pick and place ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 06:37:10 EDT 2003 | cdowny

I am looking into pick and place for medium to medium-high production with semi frequent changeovers. I have been looking for a little while and nosed around at APEX also. I am not interested in any used products, I have been down that road before

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 15:23:10 EDT 2003 | davem

I would agree with the advice given by previous poster's. "Buyer Beware" is the rule of the day. Especially when dealing with 3rd. party brokers. Keep an eye out for some of the teir 1 EMS corp's auctions. You can pick up some excellent deals on we

Philips pick n place angle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 20:50:21 EST 2013 | sarason

The math is a function of how the component is orientated on the reel/tape. Verse how it is oriented on the board. Different SMT machines use CCW or CW orientation. Different CAD packages use CCW or CW. The next question is which Cad package are you

Re: Buying stenciling and pick and place equipement.

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 18 01:42:57 EST 1999 | sin

Do you have strong technical support team that have related experience SMT EQUIPMENT in your company? If you do, use machine would be alright. If you don't, you need to hire afew because even with brand new machine, you still have a problem either

Help finding a high capacity pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 15 19:43:22 EDT 2024 | bclaycomb

Hello everyone, Last year, our company ventured into the SMT arena to manufacture PCBs in-house for our products. We've been utilizing two Neoden 10 pick-and-place machines in series. However, as we grow, we've encountered some limitations with our

When to implement high speed pick and place machines?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 21:07:16 EST 2014 | sarason

You should ask yourself a bunch of questions before you consider going down this path. The first being where are the bottlenecks in your existing line and is there anything you can do to eliminate or decrease there bottleneckness (made up word). I

i need the manual of m1 ipulse smt pick and place

Electronics Forum | zioseb1967 |

Fri Nov 22 09:57:47 EST 2024

Re: Samsung pick and place machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 08:57:34 EDT 2000 | CAL

We here at ACI run the CP20 or Manncorp version 2000.We are a Research and engineering Company with availablity for demonstrations. We actually love our system (Esp. the cost). Even though our machine is a low end machine we are placing advanced pack

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smt pick place company searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

Manufacturer's Representative / Manufacturer / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Consultant / Service Provider

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Phone: 13713862102