Electronics Forum: smt pick place machine operator (Page 1 of 73)

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 16:11:32 EDT 2003 | stefwitt

The question new or used was discussed several times. If you start fresh and have no experience with one or the other machine vendor, I would get a new machine, whose supplier has a service tech in driving distance. If you select the used machine pa

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 15:23:10 EDT 2003 | davem

I would agree with the advice given by previous poster's. "Buyer Beware" is the rule of the day. Especially when dealing with 3rd. party brokers. Keep an eye out for some of the teir 1 EMS corp's auctions. You can pick up some excellent deals on we

small and good pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:18:03 EDT 2013 | feiyangniao

There is a new toy I received today: a NeoDen TM-240A automatic desktop pick and place machine! I’ve kept my eyes on this baby for a quite a while, and finally decided to make a purchase last week. The shipping was very fast: DHL from China, a total

Multi-part reeling for pick and place

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 17 15:22:17 EDT 2004 | rohman23

Thanks for all the responses. I do agree with what was said, and can certainly see reasons not to try. I'll write a little more about what we do. We are a defense contractor, and as I mentioned very high mix, low volume. We only have 1 SMT line.

Juki pick and place ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 14:39:50 EDT 2008 | johnhburris

We have been running a 2060 (along with a 2050) for about a year. Great machine; good follow up to the 700 series, of which we run several variants. We have a 2 shift, 5 day operation with 7 changeovers/shift. We've minimized downtime by building fee

CSM-84 pick and place machine.

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 00:27:39 EST 2011 | jeffr

First clean and de-bur the hole in the nozzle, then try it again. If the Head does not pick up at the feeder, then moves to the dump position...it means that the Vacuum Sensor Board has detected that the nozzle vacuum is above the LOW threshold setti

Philips pick n place angle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 20:50:21 EST 2013 | sarason

The math is a function of how the component is orientated on the reel/tape. Verse how it is oriented on the board. Different SMT machines use CCW or CW orientation. Different CAD packages use CCW or CW. The next question is which Cad package are you

Which pick and place machine is a best for startup company?Thks

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 20:56:54 EST 2005 | Kathy-Sunnyvale

Dear All, Our star-up company will be operated in soon, but I still have many questions and concerns about SMT pick&place machine (being good for 0402 and BGA componens)since there have too many kind of machine with various grand name such as Amist

Possibility of a cheaper pick and place machine design?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 20:58:21 EDT 2014 | andrespena

Smaller companies many want to rent a machine, but may not necessarily use it 24/7, and a smaller machine may require less expertise to use. If many small machine can work fast enough, it can operate for less time and reduce operating costs. (I'm mo

Possibility of a cheaper pick and place machine design?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 07 21:14:35 EDT 2014 | andrespena

Thanks for the info because I honestly have no darn clue about the whole industry. Does anyone know why it is expensive to have an operator? If it has conveyors can't it operate on its own? Why are the boards expensive? Why wouldn't any rigid piece

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KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

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