Electronics Forum: smt quote (Page 1 of 13)

Does anyone have a good quote sheet to quote smt assembly

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 11:41:10 EST 2010 | babe7362000

Does anyone have an easy spreadsheet to quote SMT Assembly? We currently have on that is out of date and looking for a simple solution. We currently use QSP Machines. Please if someone could help me that would be great. Thanks

How do I get a quote for a used SMT line?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 11:06:29 EDT 2014 | morshan

I have a line with pick and place, reflow oven, solder, etc. I want a quote for the line. How do I do this?

How do I get a quote for a used SMT line?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 11:45:08 EDT 2014 | aksaustin

I dont understand the question. Are you looking to sell the pick and place, reflow, and solder? or are you looking to quote the output?

How do I get a quote for a used SMT line?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 15:10:31 EDT 2014 | arifa_anees

please clearify your question so that your query can be answered. courtesy: http://www.rushpcb.com

quoting smt

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 19:44:01 EDT 1999 | wayne sanita

I am interested in seeing how some of you quote smt work. Currently we quote off a bom without component packages known then look in data books to find out what type of component they are. This job will be mine soon but i really believe there is a be

smt costings

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 10:43:31 EDT 2015 | dazdoc1977

Cheers Rob, I thought that I wasn't far from the true answer....I figured that if we were to use a "first piece assembly " quote to get a first off through smt production, This would include start to finish process....e.g Programming to first board

smt rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 15:01:44 EST 2006 | jdengler

I was quoted a new ERSA IR550_PL550 unit last year for $36,500.00. I purchase a previously owned but never used one for $28,000.00. Jerry

Re: quoting smt assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 21:44:34 EST 1999 | Dave F

Cost per placement measure - Morris 10:26:59 10/04/1999 quoting smt - wayne sanita 19:44:01 06/08/1999

Re: quoting smt

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 23:17:47 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook

| I am interested in seeing how some of you quote smt work. Currently we quote off a bom without component packages known then look in data books to find out what type of component they are. This job will be mine soon but i really believe there is a

Re: quoting smt

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 23:48:38 EDT 1999 | dEAN

| I am interested in seeing how some of you quote smt work. Currently we quote off a bom without component packages known then look in data books to find out what type of component they are. This job will be mine soon but i really believe there is a

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smt quote searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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