Electronics Forum: smt stencil laser cutting (Page 1 of 31)

Equipment for laser cut stencil production

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 10:15:12 EDT 2002 | dima

Hi! I investigate possibility of manufacturing laser cut stencils. May be someone knows about equipment suppliers for such production (lasers, e.c.t.)? Thank you in advance for your help!

Equipment for laser cut stencil production

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 13 12:54:39 EDT 2002 | dima

Thank you Dave! Very usefull information, very detailed. Thanks once again! Dmitry

Equipment for laser cut stencil production

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 17:19:34 EDT 2002 | davef

Some suppliers of stencil cutting machines are: * Lumonics, 130 Lombard St, Oxnard, CA 93030 805.485.5559 fax3335 http://www.lumonics.com * Directed Light 633 River Oaks Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 800-468-2326 408-321-8500 fax 8466 http://www.directed

Equipment for laser cut stencil production

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 14 14:13:25 EDT 2002 | davef

I assume you're looking at stencil fab equipment because you need 'faster turns' than you can get from available stencil suppliers. While you're assessing this, consider other alternatives, such as: * Dispensing paste. [A very funny SMTNetter, livin

patchwork stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 23 10:06:10 EDT 2011 | davef

Leave it to the Eurolanders to come-up with a goofy, confusing name for something simple. Stepped stencils are chemical etched or laser cut. IPC-7525 provides guidelines on designing stepped stencils. Look here http://www.ipc.org/TOC/IPC-7525.pdf

Re: Mechanical stencil foil tensioning

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 07 13:10:15 EST 1999 | Sam Sangani

| Has anyone used the mechanical stencil foil tensioning system from certain company that eliminates using stencil frames and epoxy & mesh? Any comments on whether it's worth looking into? We go through product revisions like we go through clean so

0402 stencil design

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 09:03:45 EST 2003 | Russ Roberts

Greetings, I am pretty new to SMT production, and have learned much from this forum. I am getting ready to build a CCA with many 0402 parts that are really close together. I consider these fine pitch. The board also has two QFPS, so my stencil design

patchwork stencil

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 21 17:30:26 EDT 2011 | semiconjt

> Has anybody have eperience with stepped ( down and up )laser cutted stencils? >> What is manufacturing method of "patchwork" stepped stencils ?? Thanks Jacek Tomaszewski SEMICON Sp.zo.o -Poland

patchwork stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 22 18:52:56 EDT 2011 | semiconjt

tTo explain what I mean...sorry for my bad Engilsh... please find short " patchwork stencil" description from EPP Europe. http://www.epp-online.de/europe/-/article/16537487/15944614/Innovators-of-laser-processing-technology /art_co_INSTANCE_0000/max

Re: Solder paste stencil modification

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 20:29:17 EST 1999 | Tony A

| | Bernie, Steve Gregory approach is the simplest solution. But,If you ever get yourself into a real bind and need an array of holes added and the cost of a new stencil is astronomical. Approach Hamlet at BeamOn. I have seen him add and enlarge hole

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