Electronics Forum: smt tech bga 2500 (Page 1 of 3)

Maximum production per SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 18:18:28 EDT 2004 | gabriele

Hi Ricardo, You should complete the question with more details like : - kind of components pkgs (Chips, SO,TSOP,QFP,BGA,CSP,etc) and % of them versus the total (400) - tech complexity of components (0402 ? Finest Lead and ball Pitch ? SMT conne

Re: SMT Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 05 19:20:25 EDT 1998 | Rin

| Our company is currently looking to implement a SMT production line. What I am looking for is feedback on people's experiences with various machines. | Here's what we are in the market for: | Low/Mid volume 3,000+cph machine that can handle high j

Using an AOI for TH solder checks

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 11:58:25 EDT 2013 | rway

I am not that familiar with the older systems. The software should be supported on both old and new alike unless you are limited by the operating system, but the camera will obviously have a lower resolution and perhaps the filtering is not quite as

Rework Station for Large PCBs

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 24 07:37:35 EDT 2018 | fugtussey

PACE Worldwide has a new BGA Rework Station slated for production next month called the TF 2800. . It is based on the PACE's popular TF 1800 BGA & SMT Rework System (see TF1800 at http://www.paceworldwide.com/products/area-array-bga-rework/bga-rework

Re: Product Segmentation in Pick Place Machines?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 12:19:42 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Okay guys (and my fellow lady lurkers), I am trying to determine WHAT the segmentation is for the products in the pick and place industry. | | | | For example, I know in screen/stencil printing, there are manuals, there are semi-automatics, mid-

Functional Test Faulure due to BGA ICs

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 12:15:52 EDT 2006 | CKH

Hi Folk, every now and then, i would encounter Functional Failure due to BGA ICs. The Testing Tech always conclude that the contact of the BGA to the PCB Pad is poor. The 2D/3D X-ray machine can't detect any of the poor contact on the BGA..... We

Re: Why does everyone want to x-ray BGA?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 17 16:00:52 EDT 1998 | Michael Allen

X-ray can be helpful in trouble-shooting BGA component failures. Test techs can quickly determine whether or not a BGA has solder bridges. When a bridge is found, this can eliminate hours of trouble-shooting. And when a bridge is not found, the te

BGA inspection scope - Visual

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 19 16:24:46 EDT 2003 | minimicro

I like you looked all over and was frustrated. The prices that they are asking, you would think that we were back in the 90s when money was all over the place. After looking around I found a BGA-100 from SMT Tools. This system will do everything

Re: BGA repair/rework

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 12:33:21 EST 1999 | Dean

| | I'm having a fun time between BGA rework/repair using an SRT 1000 and SPC efforts (much easier) using DEK stencil printing processes and BTU reflow with 6 Fuji lines in between. | | Concerning the BGA stuff, I'm getting about 60% success using

Re: BGA repair/rework

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 13:34:04 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | I'm having a fun time between BGA rework/repair using an SRT 1000 and SPC efforts (much easier) using DEK stencil printing processes and BTU reflow with 6 Fuji lines in between. | | | | Concerning the BGA stuff, I'm getting about 60% succes

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