Electronics Forum: smt-wertheim vacuum reflow oven (Page 1 of 6)

vacuum reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 19:32:13 EDT 2021 | davef

Here's some information about Fred Dimock's work on vacuum reflow - Operation of a Vacuum Reflow Oven with Void Reduction Data [ https://smtnet.com/library/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_article&article_id=3336&company_id=40492 ]

Cleaning old built up flux residues from reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 14 15:37:00 EDT 2014 | jdenuzzia

If you do a search on Reflow Oven Cleaning Fluid, you will find links to companies and chemicals that can assist you. I recommend that you contact one or more of the companies and discuss your needs and the paste you are using. They should be able t

Reflow oven recommendation

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 03 16:00:48 EST 2010 | glenseely

When faced with high mass, high cost, sensitive PCBs and now with the added challenges of Pb-Free Vapor Phase is the only safe reflow method for component and joint integrity. A-Tek is the National Distributor for Asscon Vapor phase reflow. Asscon

How to reduce solder joint voids of LED without using vacuum reflow?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 18:31:08 EDT 2019 | jlawson

Solder paste flux is main contributor, Lead termination chemical-oxide by products and PCB Plating-Chemicals. Reflow profile would have very limited if not no impact really unless is way off. Paste volume control and Stencil design plays a big part

Re: Popcorn @ reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 19:11:48 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | hello...can somebody help me regarding the POPCORN at Reflow. What is this POPCORN at reflow, what it looks like, its cause and corrective action if there is... | | | | your help is greatly appreciated...thanks | | | | omat marasigan | | | Deo

Re: Popcorn @ reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 15:40:58 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | | hello...can somebody help me regarding the POPCORN at Reflow. What is this POPCORN at reflow, what it looks like, its cause and corrective action if there is... | | | | | | your help is greatly appreciated...thanks | | | | | | omat marasigan

SMD Moisture Sensitive Devices - Baking using vacuum-bake oven - seeking clarification

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 31 17:24:53 EDT 2019 | slthomas

Sorry I can't really answer any of your questions, but I'm curious about your idea. I've done vacuum drying of implantable medical components (made mostly of a proprietary bio-absorbable composition) but never electronic components. You're right to

No such thing as a Compact Reflow Oven?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 08:04:47 EDT 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Those of us doing low volume with mesh ovens and double sided boards will often use the titanium strips used for making boards more rigid for wave soldering. Gives you enough clearance for lower profile items that you would typically find on the firs

Reflow Oven with Vacuum System

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 19:38:33 EDT 2010 | smt_guy

Has anyone here specially the Gurus heard, used or seen a Reflow Oven with Vacuum? Is the result really good when it comes to reducing Voids? Can you share any info about this oven? thanks and regards...

Vacuum Soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 08:35:25 EDT 2014 | jax

I don't fully understand what you are trying to do... 1. Reflow Solder in a Vacuum Temp Chamber 2. Vapor Phase / Condensation Solder with Vacuum 3. Contact Heat system with Vacuum 4. Inline Reflow Oven with Vacuum ... or what you are trying to sold

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