Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:57:51 EDT 2000 | Jason
I am new to wave soldering. Any information is greatly welcomed. Here is the problem. After soldering the boards they have a film on the bottom of them and sometimes a white powder looking substance. I have tried decreasing the amount of flux on
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 11:15:50 EDT 1998 | Ryan Jennens
Hey all! The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is on a pallet w
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 17:47:25 EST 2010 | ck_the_flip
1.) Are there any industry white papers written that document any advantages in running this alloy? From what I've read, this alloy was formulated to prevent leaching of silver for silver-bearing component terminations. 2.) Are there any concerns w
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 09:45:34 EDT 1999 | Terry Keen
| | We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have t
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 08:08:33 EDT 1999 | Rob Palson
We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to bu
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 06 14:49:06 EDT 2014 | dyoungquist
Sn62Pb36Ag2 has a higher liquidus point of 189C as compared to Sn63Pb37 at 183C. You may need to slightly adjust your oven profiles to use it compared to SnPb. We have had good solder-ability and reliability with it in our IPC Class II products. A
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 02:38:41 EDT 1999 | Brian Sloth Bentzen
| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 22:01:42 EST 1999 | Dave F
| This question is directed to anyone having eperience with Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder balls for BGA's. | Have you seen anything like a rough, raisin-like surface texture after ball attach? If so, what did you do about it? | | Thanks! | Jenna: We've used
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 09:46:19 EST 2006 | jax
I assume you are talking about Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder. You should not see any added concerns when subjecting Sn62 to multiple reflow cycles as compared to Sn63. As compared to Sn63Pb37: Reduced leaching issues Increased Wetting due to lo
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 02 11:07:45 EDT 2017 | soldertraining
I think SEHO GoWave 1030 is better than ERSA ETS 330. The SEHO GoWave 1030 is a powerful soldering system for mass soldering applications. It's used for all types of soldering.