Electronics Forum: sn63pb37 flux (Page 1 of 2)

blowholes in SMT process

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 05:07:16 EDT 2009 | rocko

Hi All, I was puzzled because of terrible blowholes in solder joints of gold plated odd-form components. I am very confused because all other components on the boards have perfect solder joints. Here are some process details: 1) Solder paste: N

Selective Soldering - Barrel Fill

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 17:10:37 EDT 2010 | hegemon

Heck, now I look up and see this is SMTdotNET. Do I get banned for asking a TH question? So here's my first real TH issue after living so long in the SMT world. We are having a sudden issue in what has been a stable process for quite some time. I

CCGA - Stencil design and Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 07:51:31 EDT 2019 | ameenullakhan

Hi Dave, lead is 80Pb/20Sn. Top joint off CCGA lead is SN63/Pb37. Thermocouple was placed at center lead of the CCGA and one at the corner lead of CCGA. Ramp Rate Center 1.09 Corner 1.26 Soak ( 140 - 160 deg C ) Center 37sec Corner 38sec Ref

Solder Balls in Boards

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 00:34:00 EDT 2004 | kanwal324

Hi ! The main problem being faced currently is formation of solder balls - to be precise, these are micro solder beads generally found attached with bodies of SOTs, Chip Caps, Chip Resistors, between pins of SOICs (50 mil) - lying on PCB surface,

Selective Solder Equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 11:08:22 EST 2010 | geocep

I am using AIM Electropure SN63/Pb37 Solder, & AIM NC266-3 Flux; just like what ACE recommends. I have both Ultra High Pure T-Tanks and a Cryogenic Dewar Tank for Nitrogen, and neither seems to have improved the problem. I place a piece of tempered

Solder sticking to Stainless Steel Fasteners

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 20:53:44 EDT 2005 | mderen

We are currently wave soldering connectors that are held in place by stainless steel screws. About 20% of these screws emerge from the process with varying quantities of solder attached to them. We have just had our solder bath checked and no impurit

Small Batch PCBA Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 22:09:31 EDT 2007 | jeffreys

I'm trying to find a solution that will clean our PCBAs that will meet the following criteria: 1. Low cost 2. Enable us to clean 25 - 100 PCBAs per day 3. Leave boards clean, including residue removal 4. Preferably environmental friendly 5. should b

Solder balls - Pb wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 08:03:54 EDT 2004 | Rafal M.

We used fluxes: Cobar 94-QMB (no bismuth), RF800, Cobar94RXZ-M, with foam and spray fluxers: MBO clean alloy SN63PB37.experienced with changing preheatting, speed of covoyer single and double wave., we tried every combination. I think the problem is

SN100C wetting problems

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 16:02:08 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip

I have zero experience with SN100c, but hey, how much different can it be from Sn63Pb37?! We solder large connectors all the time - sometimes these connectors reside on a ground plane area. We've been able to overcome hole fill issues (on 63/37) th

solder paste(SnPbAg)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 06 14:49:06 EDT 2014 | dyoungquist

Sn62Pb36Ag2 has a higher liquidus point of 189C as compared to Sn63Pb37 at 183C. You may need to slightly adjust your oven profiles to use it compared to SnPb. We have had good solder-ability and reliability with it in our IPC Class II products. A

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