Electronics Forum: soder paste (Page 1 of 2)

Re: intrusive reflow with OA paste

Electronics Forum | Sat May 27 09:45:52 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

Many thanks for the name check from John Thorup PIHR can be done very simply and it can provide positive fillets on both sides of the board. I have just finished a line with SDSRS, Simultanouse Double Sided Reflow Soldering thats sodering both sides

Soder Paste Shelf life extension

Electronics Forum | dekhead |

Wed Feb 23 07:32:52 EST 2011

solder paste(SnPbAg)

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 02 06:40:51 EDT 2014 | madhuranatha

Will there be any issue if soder paste of SnPbAg is used for airborne application (PCB)

Soder Paste Testing

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 20:04:37 EDT 2006 | davef

Phil Zarrow published a paper on solder paste test methods a few years ago. Check his site: http://www.itmconsulting.org We have no relationship, nor receive benefit from the company referenced above.

Soder Paste Shelf life extension

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 20 20:52:26 EST 2011 | Jacki

I agreed not to ask the shelf life extension to the maker of solder paste. However, somtimes we have no chioce except using expired or used paste. When I have to, try the first PCB as a test. If Ok, just carry on other boards. Unless, use a new solde

Solid Solder Deposit

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 10:04:25 EDT 2004 | AJ

Celldude, What kind of parts do you use for SSD? More specifically does your company use 0402, 0201, BGA's, etc? Also are the results of using SSD better than the normal process of applying soder paste? Also if anyone else uses SSD, what are your ex

Soder Paste Shelf life extension

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 19 10:27:38 EST 2011 | kahrpr

Just a thought. What is the real shelf life of the past? Do manufactures low ball the self life to sell more paste. If the past is perfectly good one day before the expiration date is it still bad one day after I doubt it. Right or wrong I have seen

Soder Paste Testing

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 08:59:40 EDT 2006 | saaitk

Our facility in Asia wants to change their solder paste to a local manufacturer. I have recieved specs for this paste and compared to our existing paste spec, there is not really much difference in material composition. The Asia spec tests the paste

Soder Paste Shelf life extension

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 07:36:22 EST 2011 | scottp

We have a new site that is in the process of starting up and doesn't run much (1 tube every couple weeks). They recently called me about using expired paste. I told them to print a few scrap boards and run them through SPI to verify good print and

Soder Paste Shelf life extension

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 00:45:49 EST 2011 | tsvetan

Does someone with technical knowledge knows what exactly happend with the solder paste after the shelf life pass? What we have seen is sometimes flux separation which disapear after a good mix, and change of viscosity i.e. drying. The tin, silver and

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